(no subject)

Feb 06, 2005 14:30

couldnt go the cheersleep over. i feel left out, they all seem like they had So much fun.=(

im so depressed right now. my grandma is sick, and in the hospital. and its scary, even tho she is old, the thought never crossed my mind of losing her. and as the years go one, i know im gonna have to deal with that horriable day. her and my gpa basically rasied me. she gave me EVERYTHING i EVER WANTED. i was never without. all she wanted me to do was succeed, and she was proud of anything i did. i love her so much, and im so scared right now for her.

i also just feel very alone, and very angry. i HATE EVERYONE HERE. esp some ppl in my group. there so snobby, self rightous, fake, and they have never had anything go wrong, in there prefect little lives. and they think they can just make fun of people who arent as fuckin prefect as they are. well honestly, i hope they die... two people esp.

i just dontknow. i love some people, but i feel so fuckin left out. am i sittin w. my bestfriends for Senior banquet..NO am i going with them to beach week..NO..great thanx=( w/e beach week is gonna be fun. my one true bestfriend KIM is comin w/ me, and im goin w/ the love of my life, matty(my knight in shining armor), and jacquiepoo. the only person who never fakes!!!

Church Today--was actually pretty good, i got a really nice msg from mandy when i came home. i talked to Kelly. and im really actually gonna start going. b4 when i said that, i was doin so ppl would get off my back. but i want this for me.=)

ok, this is really long, i just had to get that out.

Jacqui Shelton&Kim Stevenson--my true bestfriends. the girls who have never turned there back on me. the girls who have been there for me countless times. the girls who love me, no matter how much of a bitch i am. the girls i counldt imagine living without. i love them with all my heart and soul<3
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