today was

Jan 04, 2005 22:08


yea so i have a feelin this week is gonna continue to suck. my biotech teachers was so fuckin rude 2day about me turning in my makeup work. i wanted to kill her! plus mr. cohan kirked on our class 2day. BAH--im SO fuckin sick of paint branch and all there bullshit. in my 4 years, there are SO few teachers who have tried to help me. i can name them all a matter a fact. mrs.sanders, mr. hunt, mr. shepard..thats pretty much it. all the others ones dont give a shit or have tried to screw me into the ground..bastards. i hope they all die! plus me and will are shaky. =-/ the only good thing about 2day was the game...we did AWESOMELY well=), now competition is comin up,and we may not go cuz its during exams. but seriously its bullshit...GOD this is my senior year!!!! i REALLY fuckin wanted to go, and so Maryland whats up!!!!=-/

argh, and i have so much fuckin hw...thats gonna be due this week. Science expo project+stat project, AND practices&games..BAH, the only thing gettin me thru this week is. the possiability of dinner w/ Ellen,Will and Matt. yay ellen for ellen being home. really that girl is just so sweet. HAHA matt me and ellen being bestfriends will be the death of you!!.

oh yea my grades suck. D in  biotech--? my goal is to get it to a C, LOTS of make up work in SOC&COMP RELIG--> my two easiest classes. i really mite drop bio next semester, its to much work. Mrs. ulnicy is a bitch, and i wont wanna deal  w/ her crap the LAST semester of my SENIOR YEAR. bahhh ok well im gonna go play mario kart till ike 1030, then ill start my hw.  really smart right?!
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