These past 2 days after 5 I feel so down .. I'm not sure what it is thats bothering me so much besides the whole financial prob thing which I dont speak to anyone about except my mum. I'd rather not discuss stuff like this with friends. Some people think you need something from them when you mention it :-/
Things are cool with Neil .. When you feel things are different with someone do you talk to them about it? I do .. is that bad? Maybe its nothing but YOU strongly feel something isnt right ... or should I wait for them to say something?
Was meant to go out for basketball but mum told me not to coz .. coz I get tired really fast but I wanted to go coz I thought it would make me feel better.
I'll leave you with some pics taken these past 2 weeks ..
I wanted to try a mirror pic thing ... My hair has grown so long - I want to cut it but decided on just a trim coz my hair gets all weird in winters (its very fine and it gets electrified and stuff and its all over the place)
My sis Shakila and I just fooling around coz we didnt really want to 'pose'.
On our way home from Starbucks (L-R) Saira, Elton, Me, Sabru, Shakila (the girls my sisters and the guy is Saira's bf)
My swollen eye - no one can really see it when I have my glasses on. I havent worn my contact lenses in soooo long!
I cant do this (post pics) now :( I'm starting to get all suffocat-y again. I felt this way last night as well :(
Had another anxiety attack earlier in the evening :(