Found Out, Sam/Castiel, SPN Fic

Feb 09, 2011 18:16

Title: Found Out
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, Dean
Warning(s): Slash, Blow Jobs, Caught-in-action, Slight-Homophobia
Spoiler(s): Up to Season five
Prompt(s): This came back a long time ago, I actually can't remember how this was brought about. I think it was right after the whole Castiel and Sam keep on getting caught having sex.
Word Count: 1,808
Beta Reader:None
Rants:So I had this fic in my folder for a while, well, more the idea in my folder. It was formed after that fic I wrote about Sam/Castiel getting caught in more ways then ever imagined-or not. I like how this came out but I have this little part of my brain that says it flows almost too smoothly. Anyway, I read somewhere (I think it was at spnstoryfinders) about so-and-so not being okay with the person coming out; this is what I thought would happen if Dean wasn't okay. I guess he kinda recovered to quickly; but trust me, this is better than the alternative.
Summary: Sam and Castiel are having sex, it's good, well until your older brother comes walking in at the wrong time.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural nor do I make any profit...from this.

Found Out

Sam’s running his hands through Castiel’s hair, tugging at the black locks. He can’t see Castiel’s mouth but he can feel that warm wet heat around his cock. “Yeah, Cas, suck it all the way down.” He groans and tries not to thrust his hips.

Castiel hasn’t learned how to deepthroat yet. He slurps loudly and pulls off of Sam’s cock for a second. His hand between his legs, “Sam,” He breathes before licking the slit. “Come in my mouth this time?” He looks up at Sam with deep blue eyes before sucking him down again.

“Yeah, yeah I will.” Sam wants to promise anything, just as long as Castiel keeps sucking. The pleasure zings through him with every little suction that Castiel does. He tightens his hold and exhales, not wanting to come just yet.

The angel sucks harder and licks around the head before stroking the rest of Sam’s shaft. Castiel’s other hand is moving just as fast on his own cock. He moans around Sam’s cock, eyelids closing in quick flutters.

Sam gasps at the sight, tugging at Castiel’s hair and barely restraining himself from pounding into the man’s mouth. He’s so close, his cock twitches and his balls tighten up. “Fuck, Cas need to come, need to come inside your mouth and fill you full.”

There’s a creak and suddenly the door is opening and light floods the room. “Holy shit!”

Sam head snaps to the side and he finds Dean in the doorway of the motel. “Fuck,” He hisses, but it’s too late because Castiel hasn’t stopped and he’s coming. Sam thrusts forward into that damn warm heat. He looks down and a little groan escapes his lips.

Castiel has his mouth around the head of Sam’s cock, and come is leaking around the edges of his lips. He looks up at Sam before glancing at the door. His face suddenly is a flush of red.

“I-I, Dean.” Sam stammers, turning back to the door and winces at the ‘pop’ his cock makes when it leaves Castiel’s mouth.

“Holy shit!” Dean yells again, clamping a hand over his eyes. “God dammit!” His fist slams into the side of the doorway. “What the fuck?”

Sam sighs and can already feel the endorphins losing to the headache that’s building. This is not how he wanted to come out to his brother. Nor how he wanted to explain he was having sex with Dean’s angel.

Castiel stands and his slacks are tented with his arousal. His eyes are wide and his lip looks almost bloody with how red and swollen it is. The come is gone from most of his face at least.

“Cas, maybe you should go, I’ll deal with Dean.” The young hunter offers, running a hand through his hair. Sam glances at his brother then back to the scene that he and Castiel make. He suddenly realizes maybe wearing clothes would help; he lets out another sigh.

“Fuck, fuck, I can’t believe you two!” Dean’s pacing now not aware of the open door.

Sam’s a bit surprised that his brother hasn’t hit himself.

The older hunter has his hand covering his face still. Dean’s muttering under his breath, quick curses and twisting his left hand in random gestures.

Sam puts on a pair of pants and grimaces at the feel of denim on his soft, wet cock. “Dean. I’m dressed, calm down and talk to us.” He glances at Castiel and pulls him up off the ground before Dean can do something stupid…Like freak out because the angel is on his knees.

Dean pauses for a second, opens his fingers and then quickly closes them. “No, nope, I can still see your chest, Dammit Sammy. Couldn’t you have learned anything from college that would have been useful? What happened to leaving a sock at the door?”

The younger hunter rolls his eyes, “When has that ever stopped you from barging in on me having sex?” Sam doesn’t think he’s ever had one walk-in as embarrassing as this. Not even that time when John had walked in on him trying to lick a girl out for the first time. He shivers at the memory. His cock twitches; the bastard.

Dean pulls his hand away from his face to glare, “Yeah, but shit this is totally different man. I mean, Dude, Cas?!” He points a finger at the aforementioned angel.

Castiel blinks at Dean, “Do not worry Dean, it is not a sin in our Lord’s eyes.” He nods and there isn’t even a hint of a smile or twitch of his lips to imply that he’s joking.

Dean gapes for a minute before turning to Sam, “You corrupted my angel!” He scowls, and waves his hands in the air. “I can’t believe you, Sam!”

Sam stares and his eye twitches, “Dean-”

“No, Sam, I mean, I could get the Ruby thing, at least a little that first body? Pretty freakin’ hot. And I mean sure the brunette wasn’t really my type but I get it. Petite, nice body, but really? A demon? And then what, now an angel?” Dean raises his voice and his foot is snapping up off the ground as if he wants to kick something but just sets it back down every few seconds. The man glares at both of them for a minute before growling, and slamming the door on his way out.

Sam stares at the door before rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Cas maybe you should go. I’ll go talk to Dean.”

“Are you certain?” Castiel seems unfrazzled from Dean’s explosion. His face a calm mask and he leans forward to hug Sam.

Sam sighs and tilts into the touch, “Yeah, give me a day with him and it’ll work out.” Sam hopes that Castiel can’t tell he’s lying through his teeth. He really doubts Dean will be okay after a day, if he’s lucky his brother won’t do anything stupid at least.

Castiel nods, and disappears with only a whisper to signal his departure.

Sam shakes his head and leaves the motel.

Dean has the Impala’s hood open, toolbox on the ground, and already there’s grease across his arms.

Sam isn’t sure if it’s a good thing or not that Dean is working on the Impala. It at least was a clear sign he was trying to calm down, well, until their father died. He decides to wait and not get pissed at Dean, because really he should have said something. He just never got around to telling Dean. He sighs.

Dean almost knocks his head on the hood with how fast he stands back up. His shoulders are tense and his knuckles are white with how tightly his hold is on the wrench in his hand. “So, when were you going to tell me you liked cock?”

The younger brother sputters, and clenches his fists, “What?” Sam hisses.

“Well? You ever going to tell me you liked to take it up the ass? Or were you going to tell me that you liked using our angel as a sextoy?” Dean’s voice is frigid.

Sam can’t see his face but knows his brother will have that look of disapproval on his face; the one he hates. He takes a deep breath and releases it, even though all he wants to do is punch Dean in the face. “I’m not abusing Cas, and if I’d known you would take it this bad then I would have never told you!” He’s not yelling, his voice just raised a margin.

“Sure you aren’t!” Dean turns and throws the wrench to the ground, “Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean’s eyes are wet and there are tear-tracks across his cheeks. He looks almost child-like with anger and hurt.

Sam blinks, because he suddenly gets it and winces.

Dean’s always known everything about Sam, and now this one facet he doesn’t know is probably just another blow.

“I’m sorry.” Sam offers, not really sure how to fix this. He’s pissed and mostly wants to still punch Dean for all he said; even if it was more of his stupid self-defense crap. “I-I like Cas, and guys.” He looks down and shakes his head, before looking back up.

“Just guys?” Dean frowns at him, the tear tracks gone and his face a little more controlled now.

“No, I mean, I’m pretty sure I’m bi, if not a little more into girls. I just-I like Cas and I’ve liked a few guys before.” Sam shrugs, and rubs a hand across his arm. “Dean, do-I mean, I didn’t think it was important, and Dad.”

Dean’s face morphs instantly at the mention of John. Emerald-eyes narrow, and his fists clench back up, “What, you think Dad would have liked you any less? Think he would have called you a fag?” He hisses.

Sam scowls, “Like you weren’t throwing the fact I like guys in my face two minutes ago? Huh? Don’t think Dad wouldn’t have thrown liking cock in my face just like you did!” He spins around and opens the door. “I didn’t tell you because of this shit.” The younger hunter curses under his breath and slams the door shut. He goes back to his laptop. There are still windows open full of notes and research about the horsemen. His eyes slide over the information before he sits down roughly in the old-decrypt motel chair. “Damn it Dean.”

Fifteen minutes later the door creaks back open and Dean sits down on the edge of his bed. “I-I might have a problem with the whole gay thing.” He waves a hand in the air, looking horribly uncomfortable.

“What?” Sam frowns at Dean, he’s been watching him this whole time but it takes him a second to remember the conversation they just had.

“I’m not into guys dude, you might be but I’m perfectly fine with a pair of tits.” Dean shrugs his shoulders. “I mean, I don’t really care where other guys stick there dick but-” He sighs.

Sam’s lip twitches and he tries not to smile. If he does Dean will probably lock up tighter than a clam.

“God damn it, Sam, are you going to make me say it?” Dean waits a moment before scowling, “I’m sorry, okay? I don’t like not knowing things about my brother. Hell, you could have thrown it out there. I’ve been taking care of you for-ever.” He glares, “And yeah…”

“Yeah?” Sam raises his eyebrows. He’s not sure if he feels warm and fuzzy because of Dean’s admission that he’s just caring, or if he should still be pissed from earlier.

“Yeah, Dad wouldn’t have understood.” Dean’s eyes narrow even further, “Happy? I accept your gay ass.”

Sam rolls his eyes, but can’t hide his little smile from Dean, “Jerk.”

“Bitch.” Dean grins right back at Sam.


warning: slash, pairing: sam/castiel, kink: blowjob, genre: humor, genre: ar, warning: homophobia, rating: nc-17, fandom: spn, genre: erotica

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