Slow Going Part 5, Sam/Castiel, SPN Fic

Feb 02, 2011 23:15

Title: Slow Going (Part 5)
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, Mentions of Dean
Warning(s): Slash, Multiple-Orgasms, Blow Jobs, Dirty-talk, Topping from the Bottom
Spoiler(s): Up to Season five, though it actually doesn't spoil any episodes
Prompt(s): None
Word Count: 1,525
Beta Reader:None
Rants: I did it! I actually wrote a whole verse /baffled/ Anyway, I'm kinda thrilled but at the same time feel like I should rewrite the whole thing. Or edit it majorly. I'll probably come back to it one of these days. So, yep, hope you guys enjoy this last bit. And thank you :D (I also have to say thank you to sephirothflame for helping me start on this fic-verse and getting me going on so many Sam/Castiels. She's an awesome writer, you should go check her stuff out...yep, that's pretty much it now /shuts up/ )
Summary: Castiel has a surprise for Sam, of course Dean helped.
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural nor do I make any profit...from this.

Slow Going (Part 5)

Sam would admit to anyone that when Dean had left an hour earlier; almost at the same time that Castiel had appeared, Sam was suspicious. So, it wasn’t exactly surprising that Castiel did something; it was just shocking that he pressed the palm of his hand against Sam’s crotch. “Cas!” Sam hips bucked, and he hated his body for not agreeing with him.

Castiel blinked down at Sam and swung his leg onto the other side of Sam’s lap, sitting down too close to his hand. “Yes, Samuel?” He ran his fingers across Sam’s crotch lightly.

Sam twitched and tried not to thrust into the soft caresses, “What are you doing?” He winced at the squeak he let out.

“Putting out?” Castiel’s brows scrunched and his fingers worked on the jeans button. “I am quite sure that’s what Dean said, after the second date so I am not a…” He pulled the zipper of Sam’s pants down, “Ah, he said don’t be a sleaze.”

The hunter grabbed Castiel’s hands before they got any closer to his very interested cock. “What did I tell you about getting tips from my brother on our sex life?” Sam tried for a neutral tone, but he wasn’t sure how well he managed.

Castiel frowned, and rubbed a finger against Sam’s unopened zipper, “You do not want sex with me then?”

Sam inhaled sharply and chewed his lip. He wanted to say yes but he wasn’t sure how much of a good idea that was. Dammit Dean.

Before Sam could protest properly Castiel had tugged Sam’s pants down and pulled his cock out from the slit of his boxers. “Sam.” Castiel flushed and won’t look at Sam. His gaze focused on the hunter’s cock, stroking it unsurely.

“Cas keep going,” Sam ran his hands through Castiel’s hair and tried not to thrust into the touch. He wasn’t sure if he should be encouraging Castiel, but damn it felt good.

Castiel continued stroking, more sure, and with a tighter grip, “Going to make you feel good, Samuel.” He licked his lips and placed his mouth carefully over Sam’s cock head, going down on it slowly.

“Fuck,” The hunter clenched his fists, and groaned. Sam rocked his hips shallowly in the warm, wet heat that surrounded his cock. “Yeah, like that Castiel, fuck, how’d you learn this?”

Castiel lifted his mouth from Sam’s cock, licking across the slit before pulling away, “Dean,” He blushed and turned away, fingers fluttering against Sam’s cock, “He sent me some…material.”

Sam gaped, and he was really going to teach Dean why it wasn’t okay to send their angel porn, after they finished. “I, uh…”

“I am doing well, then?” Castiel licked across the slit again, and caressed Sam’s balls.

“Yes, fuck, real good.” Sam rocked his hips again, and blushed. He felt so damn exposed and hot just from Castiel’s hesitant display.

Castiel seemed to understand though, going down on Sam again, and stopping mid-way. His mouth looked obscene wrapped around Sam’s cock. His eyes closed and precum on the edge of his lips.

“Ah,” Sam moaned when his cock hit the back of Castiel’s throat. He could feel it, and Castiel kept going, when Castiel squeezed around him. “Fuck, if you don’t stop, Cas, I’m going to cum.” He was so close, his stomach tightening, and balls drawing up.

Castiel moaned and sucked harder. He squeezed Sam’s balls lightly, fondling them, his pinky slipping behind to find Sam’s hole and ran around the pink opening.

“Fuck!” Sam thrust his hips up, and came in hard shudders.

The angel swallowed almost all of it, but white seeped from his lips and around Sam’s cock. Castiel pulled off and licked at his lips before licking around and through Sam’s cum. His cheeks were flushed.

Sam groaned and tried not to twitch away from the licks across his sensitive cock, “Fuck, Cas, let me.” He pulled Cas up, almost too easily, and kissed him. His tongue traced Castiel’s mouth, tasting himself and he felt his cock twitch. If he could get it up again, he would, instead he pawed Castiel’s pants, pulling them open and slipping his hand inside. “Want to make you feel good too, Cas.” He fondled Castiel’s hard cock.

Castiel moaned, thrusting his hips against Sam, and leaning his forehead against Castiel’s. “I, I am fine Samuel.” Castiel blushed, trying to grab Sam’s hand.

Sam growled and manhandled Castiel around on the bed so he fell under Sam. “Going to fuck you, well, make you fuck me with this beautiful cock of yours.” He stroked Castiel again before working to get his jeans off one-handed. The hunter straddled Castiel’s hips and rubbed down on Castiel, “Wanna fuck me Castiel?”

Castiel thrust upward, and shook his head, “I, no, I do not need this Sam.” He looked away from Sam’s face but didn’t stop thrusting his cock between them.
            Sam stopped thrusting back and frowned, lowering his forehead to Castiel’s. “You don’t want this Cas?” He glanced down between them, “You’re pretty hard.”

“I…I am not allowed this pleasure, but you are not restricted as I am.” The angel’s cock twitched under Sam’s gaze. Castiel looked down at them and back up into Sam’s gaze.

“Of course it’s okay, Cas, it’s nothing bad,” Sam kissed the corner of Castiel’s lips, and peppered him with slow soft kisses, “It’s okay, you know I want you, it’s good. I want you to feel like you made me.”

Castiel blinked up at Sam before nodding. He licked his lips and pulled his hand between their bodies.

“No,” Sam grabbed his hand and pressed it back over his head, “It’s my turn,” He grinned, and rubbed his ass against Castiel’s cock again. “Going to prep myself and ride you, Cas.” He edged to the side and opened the drawer. He fumbled for the lube and pulled one out. The hunter didn’t notice that it was Dean’s flavored lube until he opened the black bottle. He frowned but continued anyway, Dean owed him anyway. He glanced down at Castiel, pants open and cock out. “Next time we have to properly take off everything,” He muttered and slipped a lubed finger into his hole.

Castiel watched Sam avidly, his blue eyes widened. His cock dripped pre-come.

Sam thrust into himself, and slipped a second finger in. The hunter groaned and rubbed his fingers against that spot inside him, “Fuck, Castiel, want your cock in me. Been thinking about it.” He blushed because he didn’t mean for that to slip out.

Castiel blinked up at him and glanced back down at where Sam’s fingers are entering his hole, “You-you were thinking of this?”

“No, no of this.” Sam slipped his fingers out with a little grunt and grabbed the lube again. He coated Castiel’s cock and sinks down onto it slowly. It’s a tight fit, and he probably should have stretched himself better but fuck the burn feels good.

Castiel gasped, and clamped his fingers to Sam’s hips with a white-knuckled grip. “Sam.”

“Okay, Cas?” Sam stopped. He took a few deep breathes and tried to relax his muscles against Cas. “Fuck,” He hadn’t ever taken anyone this way and it was a strange feeling of too-full and almost-too-good.

The angel nodded, grip loosening, “I, yes, Samuel. This is wonderful.” Castiel gasped between words.

Sam smiled, and rocked his hips, “You’re damn big Cas.” He started riding Castiel’s cock, going for a steady rhythm but failing almost immediately.

Castiel clutched Sam tightly and didn’t seem to mind. His hips stuttered up, “Please, so tight, Sam, so...” His blue eyes are slightly glazed, looking up at Sam as if he’s heaven.

Sam grinned, and rocked down, enjoying the hit-miss pressure against his prostrate and the feel of Castiel’s cock. “Going to come for me Cas? Going to come inside of me?” He leaned down groaning when his cock rubbed against Castiel’s stomach, “Come on Cas, fill me up, want you to make me ache.”

Castiel caught Sam in a kiss that was more teeth then lips and thrust again and again, “Sam, Samuel, Sam.” He groaned and flipped them over. His hips pummeled into Sam. “Samuel.” He screamed and came in deep rough thrusts.

Sam gasped, his eyes wide, and couldn’t help the little whines and groans that left his lips. He’d never seen this side of Castiel and it was damn hot. “Cas, damn.” He felt the heat from Castiel’s cum and let out a little whimper, god that felt good knowing Cas had come in him. It only took him wrapping his hand around his cock to cum in jets against their chests. “Fuck.”

Castiel slowed and collapsed against Sam, “That, thank you Samuel.” He turned his face into Sam’s neck.

If Sam was more coherent he would have told Castiel that he really didn’t have to thank him, because he was the one who got an amazing blow job and two orgasms out of it, but instead he dragged Castiel a little closer. “Going to have to do that again, Castiel. Fuck me a few more times before Dean gets back.”


kink: multiple orgasms, genre: romance, warning: slash, pairing: sam/castiel, kink: blowjob, kink: top-from-bottom, rating: nc-17, kink: dirty-talk, fandom: spn, genre: erotica

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