Chat Me Up, Implied Sam/Dean, SPN Fanfic

Nov 17, 2010 15:35


“Sam, Come on.”

“Did you just whine, Dean?”

“No, maybe. Fuck off, I’m bored, and it’s not like we have anything to do right now. You know between not having any hunts and all.”

“Yeah, that’s a perfect reason to do this Dean. And we could actually leave the damn car and go inside if you wanted a hunt.”

“It is, shut up and Sammy, just do it.”

“No, dammit Dean, it tastes horrible, and I swear if you get it in my hair again…”


“What-Oh my God! Dean, what the fuck did you do?”

“I told you I was bored. You didn’t listen.”

“I thought you would drop it! How was I supposed to know you’d actually try tasting it?”

“Fuck off, it tasted good at first.”

“Oh, oh really, that’s a good reason to do it.”

“Hey, you weren’t going to lick it off, it’s not my fault.”

“Are we really arguing about this?”

“Damn right we are, Sammy. Maybe you should help me get it off.”

“…Dean, I’m not touching your tongue right now.”

“Oh, come on.”


“Sam, I think it’s starting to burn.”

“Why the fuck do you still have it on your tongue?”

“Because, you ass, wouldn’t help me clean it off.”

“That’s not an excuse!”

“It is in my books!”

“You don’t have books, Dean. I don’t think you’ve ever read one either.”

“Not the point, and stop changing the subject.”

“Fine, fine, do we need to go to a hospital?”


“I think you broke my eardrums.”


“Got it all off, wash your mouth out.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“I swear Dean, why you put anti-freeze on your tongue is beyond me.”

“Hey, if it’s good for my baby, it’s good for me.”

…“I’m not even going to go there.”

kink: implied pairings, warning: slash, fandom: spn, rating: pg-13, genre: humor, pairing: dean/sam

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