Slow Going Part 4, Sam/Castiel, SPN Fic

Nov 16, 2010 06:36

Title: Slow Going P4
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, Dean, and Minor OMC
Warning(s): Slash, Kissing, (Mild) Homophobia, also Possessive!Castiel, Romance
Spoiler(s): Season 4-5
Prompt(s): My Own
Word Count: 1,362
Beta Reader: A friend, and myself.
Rants: Okay, so...I might have totally forgotten about this. I mean yaoibatman reminded me about this series of ficlets and I realized how long it's been since I worked on them. That's pretty much it. Also, next one is the last part of this series, and I'm sure you can figure out what that'll contain.
Summary: Having a first date in a diner is a bad idea, or at least for Sam and Castiel it is.
Disclaimer:I do not own Supernatural, or any angels or hunters.

Slow Going P4

Sam picked a diner for their first date. It wasn’t fancy and he didn’t think Castiel would know how to dine at an up-class restaurant. The diner was near enough to the motel that they didn’t need the Impala, which Sam figured was a good thing. He had no doubt in his mind that Dean would assume they would christen the Impala. (Like he hadn’t had sex in it with his prom date.)

Dean had stared at him for a minute after Sam had explained that he wanted to eat alone with Castiel. Then, the man had laughed for five.

Sam blushed through all the teasing; So your taking an angel to a diner? I can’t believe you’re such a princess, does he top? Before Dean told him that he would stay at the motel.


The day he put on the cleanest of his clothes and he felt a bit stupid for making sure that he looked good. He was half tempted to go shorten his hair, it wasn’t bad but he hadn’t had time to take care of it lately; gel did not help. Sam left the bathroom, ignored Dean’s wolf whistle and following loud belly-laugh, and left the motel room.

Castiel appeared seconds later smiling at Sam. “Samuel.”

Sam grinned at Castiel, and gently grabbed the angel’s hand. He tugged him into a kiss.

Castiel let out a little gasp, and licked his way into Sam’s mouth. The angel moved away and looked slightly flushed. “That was a nice hello.”

Sam licked his lips, “Yeah, I thought it was nice too.” He started walking towards the dinner. “I wanted to teach you how to date.”

The blue-eyed man followed Sam, “Dating? It’s like human courtship, yes?” Castiel frowned at Sam, “I thought that was what we were doing.”

The tall man grinned, “No, no, we, it’s complicated.” Sam wasn’t sure how to explain dating to Castiel but he shrugged, “Think of it as the next step in our relationship.” He lifted his shoulders again and pulled Castiel closer, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“No, of course I would like to spend my time with you.” Castiel clenched his hand against Sam’s. “I do want our relationship to grow.”

Sam smiled and walked with Castiel.

The silence between them wasn’t awkward in the least. They were practically glued to each other with how close they walked. The two men reached the dinner at a slow pace and were seated with ease.

Sam flipped through the menu but already knew he’d probably pick the salad, maybe some fries. He looked up at Castiel.

The angel had his hands folded on the menu and was shifting nervously. Castiel bit his lip and glanced up the instant Sam raised his own eyes. “Samuel?”

He grinned, “Here,” Sam slid out of his side and scooted beside Castiel. He wondered why he hadn’t done this in the beginning. He opened his menu again and started muttering choices and telling Castiel his preferences.

Castiel had a look of concentration on him that was endearing, the tip of his tongue peaking from his lips. He nodded and hmmmed every few minutes.

Sam felt his heart warm; it was nice to be Castiel’s center of attention. He wanted to grab the angel and kiss him breathless.

The waiter showed up a minute later. He took their orders, and gave them a look before walking away.

Sam frowned but ignored it, it wasn’t exactly a big town, and he wasn’t surprised exactly. Maybe a little disappointed.

Castiel grabbed his hand under the table though. His blue-eyes looked Sam over and then he kissed him slowly.

The hunter broke the kiss and huffed a laugh. He quickly kissed Castiel again with quick nips to his bottom lip. “Love you.” Sam whispered.

Castiel blushed and nodded against Sam’s forehead, bottom lip slightly swollen. “As do I, Samuel.” He moved back.

The waiter appeared just after Castiel moved, the two waters placed haphazardly onto the table. He frowned at the two and walked away again.

Castiel frowned at the waiter’s back.

“Don’t worry about him, Cas.” Sam ran a thumb across Castiel’s hand.

Castiel nodded but kept glancing up whenever the waiter was nearby. His eyes narrowed.

Sam couldn’t distract him even with kissing, which in hindsight was probably a good idea. He hadn’t noticed until he had tried kissing Castiel a third time how uncomfortable the people around them were. Damn small towns.

The waiter came back, but the food wasn’t with him. Instead he placed his hands roughly on the table and leaned forward, “I think you boys should get out of here. We don’t serve queers.”

Sam scowled right back at the waiter, leaning forward, “You sure about that?”

“Fuck yeah, I am.” The man hissed, his body aligning away from Sam’s heavier form.

Sam glared and was tempted to punch the guy, teach him a lesson, but it was a stupid thing to do. He could tell from the glances around him and the nodded heads people wanted them out. The hunter scowled, Typical. He stood up and gently tugged Castiel’s hand. “We’ll go asshole.”

The waiter had too many tells and the punch was easy to avoid.

At least, it would be, but Castiel’s behind Sam, and Sam was not going to let the idiot hit Castiel of all people. The punch slammed into his stomach, He’s shorter when I stand up, and Sam glared down at the man. It hurt, but it wasn’t that painful, the man didn’t seem all that strong in retrospect. Sam kept himself from showing any pain and pulled Castiel out of the booth.

Castiel didn’t move any further than that, he was practically on top of the waiter. He glared, and fisted the waiter’s shirt. “You hurt Sam again and I will show you what he has taught me about human fighting styles.” He tightened his grip.

The man gasped, tugged at Castiel’s hand, and looked around wildly.

No one was looking at him now, all too busy with their meals.

Sam ran a hand down Castiel’s back. “Come on, Cas, he’s not worth it. We’ll get in trouble.”

“He hurt you.” Castiel glanced at Sam but didn’t let go of the man. He tugged harder and forced the man closer, “Touch what’s mine again and I’ll tear you limb from limb. You are lucky Sam is so forgiving.” Castiel released the man, roughly, and pulled Sam into a kiss. It was endearing, powerful, and slow. He broke the kiss, and glared once more at the waiter before tugging Sam away.

Sam followed willingly, he felt shocked, and pretty confused. He wondered when Castiel had learned how to talk like that, or threaten people so well. He did it for me. If he wasn’t already grinning thanks to the amazing kiss, he would be after realizing that. It’s a bit stupid, because of course it was for him, but it still makes his heart want to burst.

“Samuel, you are alright?” Castiel had his hands on Sam’s face. He caressed him, pressed a thumb slightly against the hunter’s lip.

Sam blinked down and realized they were just across the street, not even halfway to the motel yet. “Yeah, I’m, yeah I’m good, Cas.” He grinned, and licked the thumb with a quick swipe.

“You are sure? He hit you. The fucktard.” Castiel hand wandered down to Sam’s chest, as if trying to discern the damage through touch alone.

Sam choked out a laugh, “Did Dean teach you that? God he made you cuss,” He laughed again, and wrapped a hand around Castiel’s. “I’m fine, Cas, don’t think he had any training at all. Didn’t hurt.”

“He taught me many things, like how to defend my girl. Though I do still not understand why he called you my girl.” The angel frowned, his nose scrunched up. Castiel shook his head. “Do not worry Samuel, I’ll protect you.”

The hunter wanted to laugh, throw things at Dean, and maybe hug Castiel. Sam grinned; his lips felt broken, “I-I-yeah.” What else could he say?

I’m going to kill you Dean.

genre: romance, warning: slash, pairing: sam/castiel, genre: ar, warning: homophobia, kink: possessive, fandom: spn, rating: pg-13

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