The Vacation, Sam/Castiel, SPN Fic

Aug 28, 2010 03:18

Title: The Vacation
Author: fallingemerald
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Pg-13
Warning(s): Slash, Fluff, and I think that's it.
Spoiler(s): Season Five, just barely.
Prompt(s): Sam/Castiel on Vacation by Pan
Word Count: 998
Beta Reader: None, so I apologize for any mistakes on here; I checked it thrice just to make sure but no one's perfect
Rants: This was done in a rush because I asked for the prompt on a work day and I assumed I'd be back at ten. Unfortunately I did not listen to my sixth sense; which is connected to my work, and didn't call in. So I spent a hectic day at work and closing by myself; because life likes me that way. Anyway, I really don't know if this is good, I'm sure Sephie can tell it was influenced a bit by her Summer Cas/Sam fics. (If you find anything that comes from your stories like word for word, please tell me so I can fix that, I feel bad enough for using the same idea...)
But I did actually spend time on this (About two hours I think, not sure but I do know I started around 1am...). Either way, rambling, tell me what you think, Pan :D

Ps. I don't have a Tag for Sam/Castiel, I'm slightly surprised....Also, I don't exactly know how much smut you actually like in your fics, Pan, so I hope this level is fine... >.>;

Summary: Sam and Castiel at the beach. Castiel doesn't know how to have fun, it's only by self-restraint that Sam doesn't teach him anything slightly dubious to the those words...
Disclaimer: Don't own spn!

The Vacation

Sam likes the fact that Dean’s finally broken down and taken them to a beach. His argument that they need a break from hunting was long-winded and constant enough that Dean just cracked. He’s already enjoying it, out on a towel across the sunny beach of Santa Clara. He isn’t quite happy that Dean picked California of all places to have fun; but Sam figures he wanted a nude beach. Too bad he took them to the wrong one.

Castiel’s sitting awkwardly on the edge of the towel, legs drawn, almost as if trying to cover his body. He’s even inching closer to the umbrella that’s shading both Sam and Castiel from the sun.

Sam smirks; it’s kind of funny, but sad that the angel feels so exposed without his suit and trench-coat. He has no idea where the shorter man even found the speedo he’s wearing but it doesn’t help at all. Actually, Sam’s been trying not to look at Castiel, it makes him hard and even in his baggy swim-shorts it’s rather obvious. So, no, he’s totally not watching Castiel curl into himself, or the way the speedo barely covers Castiel’s ass is also not where his eyes first landed.

Dean’s across the beach, with two blondes, and has his arms around both girls.

The taller brother’s rather sickened that Dean acts like a slut so blatantly, but he did use the girls in his argument; so maybe it’s his fault.

“Sam, do we just lay here and procrastinate on the hunt?” Castiel tilts his head back, but one he realizes it uncovers his knees he stops.

“No, it’s…not procrastinating, we’re just taking off, Cas. Just having a bit of a recharge.” Sam quickly looks up; glad that Castiel’s too concerned with hiding his body that he doesn’t realize that Sam was watching his ass. He doesn’t feel an ounce of guilt either; because really, Castiel doesn’t even do anything and his body is in shape. Sam’s just a little jealous.

Castiel blinks at Sam, biting his lip. “I think I understand, but we are losing time.” He frowns, “Perhaps I should leave and continue the search for other ways to restrain Lucifer, while you and your brother ‘recharge’?” He’s already standing up, slowly as if he isn’t sure if exposing him is really worth the escape.

The tall hunter frowns at Castiel, “You can’t leave just yet, and you’re part of this team too. Even if you’re an angel, I’m sure you guys do things for fun right?” Sam doubts if angels even know the word fun, not any of the ones he’s met. Case in point; Castiel.

Blue-eyes stare at him before Castiel sits down again. “I will regret this.” He frowns at Sam.

Sam blinks, Did Cas just listen to what I asked him to do? He figured only Dean could make Castiel do something. He tried to ignore all the ideas of how to use that persuasion to something more physical. No abusing the Angel’s trust, Sam.

“So, teach me how to have fun on a beach.” Castiel swirled a finger in the sand, grimaced and wiped his hand off on the side of his chest.

Sam’s pretty sure that statement isn’t supposed to send his mind into the gutter. So, he makes sure he doesn’t tackle Castiel into the sand. Instead he stretches and sits up. “We could get a hotdog from one of the carts near the sidewalk, or make sandcastles.” He pauses, glances at Dean and swears that he can hear a telepathic; “You’re such a girl”, before shaking his head. “Or I could teach you how to surf.” Sam barely knows himself, had learned on Jessica’s insistence, so maybe that option was for a last resort, just before ‘handcuff Castiel and teach him how to have sex on the beach.’

“A sandcastle?” The angel tilts his head, now not even trying to cover his body.

The hunter nods, thankful that Castiel doesn’t seem interested in the last choice. “Yeah, here,” Sam offers a hand to the other man.

It’s only a few minutes of hesitation but Castiel is following him to the edge of the foamy water and Sam’s teaching him how to make a sandcastle.

He’s actually slightly upset when some of the people around them start noticing Castiel’s lack of clothing; Mine, stop looking. Course, he doesn’t actually say that aloud, he just edges in front of Castiel so it’s harder for people walking past to see his angel.

Castiel took about twenty minutes to actually put his hand in the sand. Once he got over the feel of the sand and focused, a scrunched brow and his tongue between his teeth (The most human expression that Sam had seen on the angel so far.) he did rather well. They finish their third sandcastle; Sam privately dubs it The Hunter’s Lair Number Three, at least two hours later.

Dean is nowhere to be seen.

Sam’s okay with that though, because Cas is laying against his side, smiling and Sam’s sure it’s a little more human than it was this morning.

The angel looks exhausted, ready to succumb to sleep any second now.

Sam figures it’s time to go, and carefully lifts Castiel up and takes him to the car. He almost forgets the stuff; really only because he’s a little too focused on cleaning Cas up before he carefully places him in the backseat. He even has the excuse on the tip of his tongue if Castiel asks; Dean would kill them if they got sand anywhere in the car. He climbs into the driver’s seat, after calling Dean to make sure he’s safe (He’ll never recover from hearing twin girls moaning Dean’s name and his brother actually talking over them.), and driving back to the motel.

The tall hunter can feel Castiel’s eye’s on him while he’s driving. He looks up at the rearview mirror and finds Castiel smiling at him. His heart doesn’t flutter.


The Side Story/Sequel: Here


genre: romance, warning: slash, pairing: sam/castiel, fandom: spn, rating: pg-13

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