Two comment fic posts for the Angels of SPN comment fic-fest

Sep 22, 2010 23:35

So here's what I've been doing this week fic-wise, I'll post more about non-fic related stuff when HELL WEEK IS OVER! :D

But here's something to get you by! <3

Angels of Supernatural Comment Fic Fest
^Go, fic, and have fun!

Title: Powdered Chocolate?
Prompt: Gabriel's always been the favorite
Pairing: Lucifer/Gabriel
Rating: PG-13

Title: Combined Smoke and Light
Prompt: I can't decide which one of us will leave here alive/Your fingers breaking as I place them over mine/The only thing I need is time/To change your mind, I said
Pairing: Castiel/Meg
Rating: PG-13

rating: pg-13, character: lucifer, writing, pairing: gabriel*lucifer, character: meg, character: gabriel, supernatural, pairing: castiel*meg, character: castiel

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