Jul 17, 2004 18:24
LAYER ONE: On The Outside
Name = steph
Birth date = april 9th
Birthplace = Summit
Current Location = Twp
Eye Color = brown
Hair Color = brown, black, and a pink/red/orange color
Height = 5'6 1/2"
Righty or Lefty = Lefty
Zodiac Sign = aries
LAYER TWO: On The Inside
Your heritage = irish, english, german, Hatian
Shoes you wore today = flip flops and my DC's
Your fears = spiders, failing at life
Your perfect pizza = extra cheese, pepperoni and bacon or a just white pizza
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your most overused phrase on AIM = ah..niice and yeah..
Your thought first waking up = it doesn't feel like 2:15, wheres my phone!
Your best physical feature = i don't know
Your bedtime = stupid question, don't have one
Pepsi or Coke = coke
McDonalds or Burger King = neither
Single or group dates = doesn't matter
Adidas or Nike = nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea = Nestea
Chocolate or Vanilla = vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee = neither
Smoke = not that much
Curse= duh, thats a no brainer
Sing = yes, almost all the time
Take a shower everyday = yeah
Have a crush = kinda
Think you've been in love = yeah
Like high school = its alright, i guss
Want to get married = maybe
Believe in yourself = some of the time
Get motion sickness = no
Think you're attractive = once in a while
Think you're a health freak = no!
Get along with your parents = does this answer your question, i'm ground twice over right now.
Like thunderstorms = yes more then anything in the world!
Play an instrument = guitar, clarinet
LAYER SIX: In the past month have you
Drank alcohol = yes
Smoked = yes :/
Done a drug = no
Made out = no
Gone on a date = no
Gone to the mall? = yup
Eaten an entire box of Oreos = lol cute, no
Eaten sushi = no
Been on stage = no
Been dumped = nope.
Gone skating = nope.
Gone skinny dipping = no
Dyed your hair = yeah twice, about to make it three times
Stolen anything = no
Played a game that required removal of clothing = nope
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated = ah, no
Been caught "doing something" = lol not thinking so
Been called a tease = i don't think so
Gotten beaten up = no
Shoplifted = no
LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married = before i'm 28 if i do at all
Number and Names of Children = i don't really want kids but if i had one i'd name him/her jimmy, franky, roxie
Describe your dream wedding= to get married in this little old church in the middle of Manhattan
How do you want to die = D.O. then go to sleep and no wake up
What do you want to be when you grow up = like everyone i wanna be a singer but that ain't going to happen so i wanna be a fasion disigner, music producer, or professional model (but that ain't going to happen)
What country(ies) would you most like to visit = south africa, Britian, and New Zealand
LAYER NINE: In a boy or girl
Best eye color? = dont care
Short or long hair = short but not to short
Height = taller then me
Best articles of clothing = how is there a best article of clothing?
Best first date location = doesn't matter as long as its fun
LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...
Number of drugs taken illegally = 0
Number of people I could trust with my life = 0
Number of CDs that I own = a lot..
Number of piercings = 8 and working on getting 5 more before the end of the summer
Number of tattoos = 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper? = not sure
Number of scars on my body = T0 many
Number of things in my past that I regret = idn