Life now

Mar 10, 2009 10:54

So here I college. And I don't know what to think anymore. Like always.
But I do know that I am moving on with my life. I have cut out things that I don't need anymore, and holding on to the things I need to keep a hold of.
I decided I'm not going back to college next semester. Instead I'm going back to Fairview to work and make alot of money so I can pay off my car and all my other shit.
Then I'm going traveling again :]
I can't wait.
It's the only thing in my life that makes me truly happy and makes me feel free.
I'm still sorting out my life.
But so far, everything has been pretty amazing.
I just really can't stand immature college people anymore..and school has never been my thing.
So why would I continue?
And I mean sure, there are alot of awesome guys here...but that's not worth staying for.
I'll find a guy someday, until then I'm not going to worry about that.

I like where I am right now in life
I'm happy who I've been become :]

Rach, it's your turn. Become someone you love. Fight for what you want. Go somewhere with our life. Don't settle for second best. You deserve someone who truly loves you...not someone who lies about stupid shit. Did you really see yourself with someone like that in high school? or middle school? really? Sure he's fun sometimes....but what about all the other times? Don't you want someone you can have fun with whenever you want? That's like being happy half of the year, and the other half you feel like shit...Why would you do that to yourself?
You need to realize he's not good for you. When will you realize that?
Sure you want to protect him, you think he will change. But he won't.
You truly deserve someone who loves you and appreciates you and gives you butterflies in your stomach whenever you see him or talk to him. That's not the love you have. Is it?
You deserve better. much better.
Please think about what you're doing. And realize that he won't change, no matter how much you want to believe what he says. If he really threatens to kill himself...that just proves that he is an immature asshole who will never grow up and change.
Please come to terms with things. Are you really happy with how you are right now? Don't you want to move on with your life and be happy again? What happened to the independent Rachel I used to know?
Do you really think he is the best you can do?
Please wake up and smell the roses. Because you can do much better.
Love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(count the o's) much Rach :]
Think about things. Seriously. Cause your life needs to change. And I don't see it going anywhere with him.
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