so things are alright now....

Mar 12, 2006 14:12

i moved in with megan and everything is going really good, me and megan arent really getting to spend that much time together because im always working. but i have a good job, and i get paid alot, so im saving up for an apartment, i asked josh aboput me and him getting a two bedroom apartment and he said "shit make it three and mark can come too" i was like... ok! lol so that might happen which would be sweet. i got the day off today i was soo tired from last week, i had to take another day off... all i get off is sundays. 6 days a week at least 8 hours a day most of the time its more tho. so im bringing home good money which isnt bad. im starting to put on weight, bout 10 pounds in 3 weeks.

ive been hangin out with megan, josh, mikey, mark, and rob sometimes. we've been going to hollies house and hangin out... my good friend jamie mcgill came over while we were there last night. that was pretty cool i havent seen her in forever! there was a shit load of people there tho me megan, josh, mikey, mark, jamie her boyfriend, and hollie and her boyfriend... they better love me ;)

well i just wanted everyone to know that im still alive and doin alright.

all for now...
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