alex got his license on saturday so he picked me up from work and we drove just to be driving and not thinking about much else and stopped to make out in the park and whatnot. he's something constant in my life, and that's what i love. there's something there i can lean on, and that he can too. just talking to him right now is enough to get me by.
i think that your body is something i understand
i think that i'm happy, i think that i'm blessed
so uh, saturday night. ani was amazing. she read "self-evident" and i died a little. and when she played "swan dive" it was like BAM - THERE'S ANI LIKE TEN FEET AWAY FROM YOU. why ten feet? oh, because we had fifth row seats? yeeaahh. the fuckin encore was "both hands". which is a top contender for my favorite ani song. the way she plays guitar is so crazy, her legs bend and her mouth drops in this perfect coralation to what's coming off the strings. mm, it was such goodness. she comes out and the stage lights are all crimson and whatnot, and she stands on the edge and goes, "ya'll look good red..." i think it worked.
today was "share day"...aaand i screwed up on my first little bit there, but hey, what the fuck, right? naomi, dorthy, jess roth and danielle all did some amazing pieces of art & goodness; which is really no surprise given their mass amounts of talent. then later i read a poem for jesskim because she's amazing and whatnot, so yeah. but because i had been sitting in a chair for two and a half hours and listening to crappy poetry, i was totally wired and i couldn't effectively read because my adreniline was going crazy. ah well.
there are things that cannot
be taken;
consistancies in my life
that are my own:
my hands
my eyes
my vagina
did she just say vagina?
this warmth from between my legs, my own
the curve of my hands over the neck
of my guitar-
& i own these rhythms,
& i throw out these notes
to everyone who's ever fought
for a woman's choice -
away from coat hangers
in graffitied bathroom stalls
and we cannot lose this power
singing loud from behind the curtains
of everything
we thought we lost
but really has just lied in wait
all along.
third period all school assembly at academy was pure goodness. intro to stage combat. mmmm. jess feels me, haha :)
you know, there's really so much to come. with everything. so much we've got left to be a part of. being one to naturally feel and not always understand, but to love and understand not understanding, this is actually a really cool prospect.
:\\ edit