Do you know what I miss?

Aug 05, 2010 00:04


For anyone unfamiliar with it, the Shoebox Project is an amazing thing full of amazingness that is probably the best piece of fandom work I have ever seen EVER to do with Harry Potter. It's just, words cannot describe how utterly perfect it is.

I've been re-reading it today, and it's made me laugh so much my mum thinks I'm mentally disturbed. (Not that she didn't think that anyway. BUT.) It really just is brilliant.

I shall also miss having more userpics, as I think today is the last day I have before my paid account runs out. Ah well. I'll just have to be more picky with icon usage now, I guess.

I shall also miss (what remains of) my sanity, because on Sunday I am travelling to Wales with a bunch of lunatic friends where it will most probably rain non-stop and I'll be stuck in a house watching Laguna Beach and the Hills and slowly losing the will to live. (For Shoebox people, I am very much the Remus of the group) Let the fun ensue.

Also, in an unrelated but YAY note: My mum had a CT scan before she starts her next 6 months of treatment just to see if there was any kind of cancer lurking anywhere and she's CLEAR. I was 99.9% sure this would be the case, but I still didn't sleep for 2 days worrying about the what ifs and imagining all kinds of awful things. So yes, things are looking up.

And on a final kind of related in a 'things-are-looking-up' way: YAY for Prop 8 being declared unconstitutional. IT'S ABOUT TIME.

harry potter, holiday, random, family

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