Okay! So, overall, another strong episode. Not my favourite so far (I think that might go to the next episode OMG CHARLIE, OMG HOMECOMING!) *cough* Ahem, anyway....
Sylar and Matt were amazing. I was trying so very hard not to laugh aloud as Sylar was commentating on what Matt was saying to Janice. (I was watching it in the middle of the night with my parents in bed next door, so I was trying so hard but it was too funny so I think I may have)
The body switch was nicely done too. I was expecting it because of the spoilers I'd heard, but it still made me go, "Omg, whoaaah."
Also: Nathan in Sylar's body - I wanted to yell "COME BACK TO THE LIGHT, NATHAN." Any chance of getting him back, I'm going to take. Seriously. But when Sylar!Matt and Nathan!Sylar meet - THAT should be interesting.
Noah and Tracy - SHE BROKE UP WITH HIM :( Seriously though, their scenes were very good. Poor HRG, he does try and help but things never go they way he plans. And he loses people because of it :( And Jeremy! Oh God, I was crying. His death was so cruel and just...ugh it made me sick. I might have been more sensitive to it as earlier I was watching a Holocaust programme to help me with my statement for Uni. But it was despicable the way those officers treated him. Good on Samuel for destroying the building.
And now to my "rock and a hard place" part of the episode: Claire/Gretchen.
Firstly, I loved the Buffy references to Claire. I loved that Claire didn't just turn Gretchen down and said she really valued her friendship so she didn't want to mess things up. I like their scenes together, I'm liking Gretchen's character. I just can't ship them together.
I don't know why it is. I had no problem seeing the chemistry when they did the hand-cutting scene and didn't mind the kiss. But this episode? I dunno.
I also thought their scenes from the trunk onwards were very...teen-horror movie and cliched. I think that might have helped put me off shipping them from the way they were playing it out.
One thing that bugged me was that the Gretchen we saw in previous episodes had completely disappeared. Before she was acting nervous, intense (or stalkerish, but I prefer intense) towards Claire, and after Becky was revealed to be the one behind all the crazy things, and the kiss happened, I did wonder whether the writers would change Gretchen. And they did. She wasn't the outsider anymore, she was the more 'mature' out of the two, with more boyfriends and experience. Now that seemed to me to be a complete 180 of personality. It doesn't make me like or dislike Gretchen more, I like her pretty much anyway, but it struck me as odd.
I have no problem with slashing on Heroes, or gay couples in general. (I've talked about being unsure about this pairing elsewhere before and was made out to be someone who was against same sex couples, which is BS) But I've never slashed with Claire before. It's easy for me to slash characters like Peter with anyone because he's got that chemistry with everyone, but with Claire...I guess I don't see it. I think I'm in the minority, but if it does turn romantic I won't be shipping it.
But apart from that, it was a good episode. :D And I'm definately looking forward to next week SO MUCH. <3