Jun 07, 2006 12:02
So.... it's summer. what fun. Don't you just love the summer when you're a student... and you have nothing to do. absolutely nothing. except chores and cleaning and working on scholarships for college because you're a senior now. isn't it such fun?
there is one good thing though. i have a new friend. her name is Simone, sim for short. she happens to be a cockatiel. heh heh. she is such a sweety, except for the fact that she keeps climbing on me up to my shoulder and then tries to fly off. while she's flapping her wings she keeps hitting me in the face too. heh, it can get rather annoying. but she's still extremely cute. she's only about two months old, so she's really still a baby. her kind of bird normally lives 15-20 years, but can live to be in their 30's, so I'm going to have her for a long time ^_^
Aaron canceled his internet because the company he used was being a collective jerk :P so I haven't been able to talk to him online in...forever. it's sad, really.
so, I've got to call up Ivy and Brenna and Rachel to see if they can do something sometime soon. We all said we would defintely hang out at some point soon, so we ought to try and actually do that.
oi, I can't think of anything else to write. I'm so ficken bored, and I know there's something I ought to be doing, but I'm not sure what.
oh my.. there is so much crap going on right now, politically wise. Things with abortion, birth control, and gay marriage. The senate just voted on (and thankfully rejected) a complete ban on gay marriage. ...stupid people... and pharmacists are pulling another trick. many have decided to just -not- fill womens birth control prescriptions. lovely, isn't it? and people wonder why I don't like too many other people... especially americans. yup, just like one senator said, we're all a bunch of bigots (although he didn't directly say that but he put it in different and nicer terms)
ugh...ta ta