.tinsel town, where everything glitters.

Dec 22, 2005 13:52

AhahahHAHAAHA! FINALLY! THANK GOD! Today is my last day at Shur-Line....well, until next Tuesday, that is. But then only three days and off for New Years! And I get free tickets to see Trans Siberian Orchestra from work....woo! (*Exclusive, that is) That'll be cool...they're awesome. :)

I hate work so, so much (*shur-line, that is) but I DO like the people. And I got a really purdy green scarf (For accessory, not warmth) as a gift from one of my co-workers. Awwwww. It's gorgeous and I loves it. I wish I could sew, because I have so many fashion designs in my head...but I guess I'll have to do with cheap shopping and a pair of scissors. Ha.

Anyway! Man, I don't think I've ever celebrated Cmas as much as I have this season. I've watched a bunch of Cmas movies, have been listening non-stop to Cmas and Cmas related cds, been sending out cards, getting gifts for peeps...it's just so fun. I love it this year! This year is going to make up for last year seven fold!


I have to go to -poo- work now. But last day! Hurrah!
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