"You are the most beautiful girl in the.... room."

Dec 16, 2008 18:00

Becoming increasingly lackadaisical as the days go on, back in Ohio. I've felt a very large gap since I left WA last week and I don't know that it can be filled back in till this summer. I have so many things I want to do, but so very many of them have to wait until we get out there. And I am just.... waiting.... waiting... WAITING. I am so tired of waiting. I want to start school, buy a house, paint/decorate a house, have kids (stupid uterus.... SHUT UP), get a kick ass job, buy more dolls, see the Pacific Ocean....

Decided to make my Enforcer holiday cards this year. I picked an easy formula. Index cards, colored pencils, and stickers. Just make em cute and heartfelt is what I told myself. I hope no one thinks I'm cheapin out (tho that is exactly what I am doing) it feels better doing it this way. But its gonna take me longer than I'm used to... and I need to find my pencil sharpener for my colored pencils, LOL. Luckily it appears there aren't as many participating this year as last. I opted out of Enforcer Secret Santa this year. Shipping=pushing expense over top. I did opt to participate in the one at work tho, and luckily my secret santa loves socks, which are a love of mine as well. So I bought her some super cute ones from Target and will fill the rest of the gift with stuff from my grab bag from Archie McPhee.

There was snow today. I hate snow.

I should be picking up my car tonight. Thank goodness, tired of asking people to drive me this place and that. Hate to be a burden. :/

Last week was Huston & my 3 year anniversary being together and our 6 month mark since the wedding. So we went out Sunday and enjoyed our company together and then we were super lazy.

My apartment is a WRECK. And I mean that emphatically. I've decided to blow a bit of extra money (I KNOOOOW I KNOOOOW but this at least helps with the move) and buy a ton of those plastic drawers to start unpacking all our boxes into, and sorting in the process, plus eliminating a lot more crap along the way. That way for the next 7-8 months I don't feel like we're surrounded by unpacked boxes, it keeps everything kind of packed but easily accessible if I need to look for something. (I have a label maker, and I LOVE it!) And then when we go to move to Seattle, most of our stuff will already be "boxed" up. All we'll have to do is tape up the drawers to keep em from sliding out, and all that stuff will be ready to go. PLUS they're stackable and will totally connect to each other. And hopefully this week I get my tree set up.

I REALLY hate snow...

I find it amusing. I surround myself, at work, with images of my future plans. Lots of pictures up from PAX 07 on the wall, drawings of characters for future dolls, my Seattle snow globe & picture frame. Can't tell if it makes me feel better or more homesick, lol.

Still kind of sick. Kicking the last bits of this cold to the curb, just waiting for the phlegm to clear out of my throat.

Huston & I are looking at some marriage counseling in January. I'm looking forward to it. We need an objective opinion on our arguments. It's just been rough lately, and I'm sure a lot of it is related to stress, finances, and job stuff. It usually is. But having a counselor point out real trouble areas and good ways to cope or avoid certain things, and how to work together again will be great. I really really love my husband and want to make sure we get all this stuff done and taken care of before we start getting into the super serious parts of our plans like the big move, owning a house, and (eventually) kids. I think individually we are both prepared to be parents, but as a team we are still not quite getting our gears exactly in sync, so we need some oiling and work. But I have never felt more confident in us than I do now. I know we are strong enough to take this opportunity to become an even stronger and more amazing team. We've accomplished great things in the past, its time to start doing that again.

Some days I feel like a Queen.
Today is not one of those days.

*~Tsuki No Senshi~*

holidays, marriage, ohio, seattle, huston, love, money, home, future, plans, car

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