Fifteen Cats On A Dead Dog's Chest! Mew-Mew-Mew... And A Bottle of Milk...!

Jan 09, 2007 21:03

I tried my best to leave this all on your machine....

Moving to Oxford/Anniston, AL may be in my immidiate future.

I hope not before February. Crittenz & I have a con to go to then.

*coughs* I'm sick. Mom's trying to find me an an APT in Oxford. It's half way to school & half way home. I'd rather stay in the area I'm in, but beggers can't be choosers. It would be quite the drive commuting an hour for school. But living arangments would be easier. I could probably get a job working night shift. then I could sleep all day! I'd prefer to be active at night. It would certainly keep my pastiness to an all-time high! It's would be nice if I could find an apt. that allows animals. It's nice having Sammy... but a fish can't sleep in your bed. well... it could but I don't want him to die or be tramatized.

I am a pirate today! arg!

I want a cat. I want one! I'm cold....

one that looks simular to this one...

And his name will be pirate boots!

Last night I hung up all my posters, They take the place of my stuff lining my walls back at home-home.

*coughs more*

Here are my posters



**Imagine this poster-sized.. not average poster sized.. like movie poster sized!

I have to go back to class now. and I have to pee...
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