Just wanna talk... ^-^

Mar 10, 2011 23:37

 Being silent when you are talkative it's difficult...And right now everyoine in this house ignores me to play WOW so... xD Oh boy,sometimes i regret stopping playing that,but i did it for my baccelor's sake xD
I finished my prologue and i am so happy!I think tomorow i'll begin the first chapy :3 I'll start posting after i have some chapies on stock!I also have an OS idea that i am working on today,I might post that next week! :)

Weather is terrible here...I am tired of seeing clouds in the sky,and i really love cloudy weather O.O It's just i am sleepy all the time and i sleep about 12-14 hours per day O.O I really need a GOOD programme in my life...That's the bad thing of not working,you have no programme so you screw up your sleeping time...At least me :/ And i am waiting for easter to come impatiently! And spring to give this place some more colour... :) And i must  start studying finally my chemestry lessons,I decided to do my best at everything!But for now...It's still a decission... O.O

And while i write, my chinchilla is harassing sexually my slippers xD Oh boy,my tiger needs a girl O.o xD

self ranting

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