Mar 04, 2011 16:42

 So, i think the brainstorm worked! I have akmost all the details to start writing,now only one thing is missed about a certain past,but the profiles of the main characters are ready! :D and it's going to be big i think... I can't wait to fill my new paperblank xD And i am allready obsessed with my yet unwritten story :P And also, Under my nose pt 5 is finished, i am typing the last part and i'll send it to my beta reader...I think it will be up soon enough! :)

The only thing left is that small detail,maybe something i won't write nesecairily on the story, but i need it to make the psychological profile of the char...Different details make different characters,so xD And i need to find a title too O.O I am bad at titles,really bad xD

And i still haven't studied yet O.O I even cleaned the whole house upsight down to skip studying! :O I have a grunge against organic chemestry,it's true...And it keeps me away from my degree too *ready to throw the book out of the window*

So that's all for my ranting today too :P Here it's ready to rain,and makes me gloomy,almost all friends went to their hometowns for the weekend and the extra free days and i stayed here...But at least i am going to have a Jdorama marathon at night with a friend so i'll cheer up for sure...

That's from me and my useless posting,I am going to cook now...When i stay silent for too long i need to write so... xD 
Have a nice day/night/sleep/whatever xD

self ranting

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