If anyone on here wants me to revamp their lj's with new icons/backgrounds or just a different design let me know. I'm trying to build up credit with everyone so i can start charging like a dollar or two, im trying to save enough to get a paid account on lj. I have tons of icons and just as many backgrounds, and tim is very experienced in code so i think it'll turn out well.
My day went well, i didnt get to sleep though untill like 4, i had an upset stomach. And i had a sore on my breast for like weeks, my breasts all tender and red. Mom seems to think that im pregnant but im not, its just my right breast and theirs a big ole sore on it. I hate it, i love sleeping on that side but i cant now because of it. If the cat falls asleep on my chest, i have to make sure she doesnt put her claws anywhere near it due to the tenderness. It sucks alot, cause tim'll grab at my chest playfully but then he'll get mad at himself because he forgot about the sore.
Right, back to today. We slept untill 1pm, then we got up and went to wal mart, got some tax preparation software and some ink then went out for pizza. It was good, we got a dozen garlic knots and we each had a small pizza. He had buffalo chicken pizza and i had a sausage one. I really thought it was good but tim got sick afterward. We had to find all of the stuff for the printer after we got home, but we ended up just dling it off the internet. We changed nooby's (tims rat) and dudy's bedding, gave them treats and played with them. Tim, bless him, cleaned the litter too.
I hate doing that kind of stuff, it grosses me out. I like the new flickr thing, i got some software off of the site and i dled all of my pics onto my site, i'll give the link at the end of this entry. Its kinda funny, i got another thing from a college admission's office and tim was like *sigh* bullshit man...I wish that i didnt hear or get anything from colleges. It would save time. Im so much in love with the movie Monster's Inc. I saw it for the first time a day ago, and its been replaying on Disney all day. I've caught almost every showing of it, i want to get it for valentines day.
I kinda wish that tim was going to get a day job, i hate being alone at night. I was talking to some friends last night, it made me feel better. I hate the fact that you can be friends with someone yet they dont talk to you, or think that their too busy to talk. I dont understand really why im still friends with them, i dont know if i want to be anymore or not. Kinda excited for the wedding, im looking foward to seeing jet and nevina and whoever else can make it up for the wedding. The kinda sad thing is that i dont think alot of his family or mine will be there.
Other than that rambling i think i'm blank now. My kitten is growing up good and fat...and spoiled rotten. She's getting spayed sometime this or next week, then i think im going to just kinda let her relax and see if the cat tree (the big blue thing in some of the kitten's pictures) will stop her from clawing up everything. Hey, maybe it'll stop her from having to be declawed.
My Pictures