(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 23:07

So heres whats going down in the life of david guy the local search here for a trucking job didnt go so well probably due to my lack of experience and me not really wanting to go over the road at the moment. Wierd lifestyle its not that bad but i found another solution. Monday night after the show at the HORR, i will be travling to midland and have an interview with schlumberger (an oil company) driving for them. If i get the job i will get between 80-100 hours a week and make roughly 1000-1400 a week i will keep doing that job for 6 months straight which well let me pay all my debt off plus a hefty amount left over. Then i want to return to el paso mayish and open a premiere piercing/tattoo studio. So i hope all goes well and if i get the job on the spot i wont be returning for 6 months so go to the show tommorow and say a temporary good bye:(. i will miss you all while im gone but i will be back.
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