(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 21:27

Hurray i have more pictures to show you now!!! I can tell you all have wet yourself with anticipation so without further adue here she be.

This is the back of the train station in Bad Mittendorf, the tiny ass village at the base of the mountain Tauplitz where we had our rotary hiking weekend. I ended up waiting for 4 hours here at the train station...Its a long story but i missed my train because of Karol. We agreed to meet at 12:15, she thought 12 and at 12:15 figured i wasnt coming and left, i being the nice guy i am decided i couldnt just leave her there to go by herself so i waited and missed my train. Through some quick thinking and divine intervention i successfully navigated the austrian rail system and made it to Bad Mittendorf. Hooray! Or maybe not...Seeing as rotary had no idea where i was and i had no phone and they had already left for the cabin i was sort of stranded. There was one other girl with me though, so i wasnt alone. I ended up walking into town to find a pay phone, thats an overstatement, i walked to the hotel and bar, not really a town. There was no phones and i ended up asking some guy for help and the lil guy god bless him let me use his phone. I had a hard time explaining why and eventually squeesed out that i had missed my train and that i was going to be rescued now. Except i said rescued in english so he looked at me wierd and waited. I then managed to say all of two words, and quite wrongly two. After several minutes of him thinking im retarded he understood two words, Help Coming. However unfortunatly that was a lie, i didnt have anyone from rotarys number and i had only called my host mom, and she was working and didnt have any numbers either. It was quite and adventure though, all in all i waited 4 damn hours. Every hour we would walk to the other side of the station just to mix things up. Along the way to insannity we took this picture, i look a bit like a farmer so i thought you should all see. Notice my kick ass socks. I quote myself saying 'If  I have to be stranded somewhere at least its somewhere beautiful. Notice the Breathtaking mountain in the backround. Yes that is joshs shirt :)

This is the front of the trainstation, except on the way home and full of exchangees. Dont let the picture full you, the trainstaion is really not that big, it is actually the bottom of a house and only one room is the station. It has only a bathroom and the dude that sells tickets. You can only shit and piss so many times in 4 hours before the bathroom gets boring. Notice the kid standing on one leg, isnt he impressive? Thats greg from New Zealend.

So, to use stereotypes Australians are usually lewd crude people who love to drink talk funny and have fun. Here is an example of typish aussies, notice how one is making vagina lips and the other is pretending to eat her out. How very mature. God do i love them!!!!

So we had a talent show that night and everyone shows off their cultures. Brazilians are incredibly proud of their country and wherever their is a brazilian you can find at least 2 or 3 jackets, shirts, or sometimes boxers if your lucky of the brazilian flag or at least the colors. Here they are all singing a traditional Samba song thingy.

Some times i am really jealous of them. Often times as an American, especially the only american boy, i feel like i dont have a culture, or at least not a culture i can be proud of. If anyone has any thoughts on that please let me knwo, i am searching for things taht are very american. Especially things that dont have to do with bombs and bullets.

Here is a picture of the mexicans being mexican, i want to know how to be an american. There must be a culture that i can be proud of , i must just not see it. Somewhere back there there must be something that we can call our own, something that i can be proud of. It may not be a hat, or a dance, it could even be an idea. I want to find the american culture. Where is it?

i believe i mentioned earlier how Omar, my roomate from language camp, could do that cool thing with the balls. Well here it is, its so cool. I fucking love this lil mexican, he is fucking insane. He reminds me a lot of josh, he sets himself on fire with hairspray, and the other day he took off his shirt so they could all shoot him with be be guns. Is that josh or what?

This is a picture of the mountains around are cabin, i am standing in the driveway. Oh notice all the whiteness, it snowed while we were there. Its summer!!! Some of the latinos had never seen snow so they were all pumped. We had a big fuckig snow ball fight, Viel Spass.

This is a picture of Greg through a train, i thought it was kind of cool. Notice the sad tired looking buisness man in the train, doesnt he look like somone out of a music video about how society works to hard or something? I thought so....

Another pic from the house. I figure if i put enough of these up you will eventually understand, at least in some small way, how beautiful this country can be. The fog was kind of thick, so you cant see the huge mountains looming just above the clouds.

This is sarah and burger, i dunno why her name is burger, by the way she plays rugby and is really fucking good. They are doing the 'Evan puked on the stairs' dance. This is the best part of the dance, it really shows the emotion and feeling they put into it. They actually did make up a whole dance though, i felt very special. Yeah i puked on the stairs, or so they say. They took good care of me though, actually i was quite touched to hear the next day exactly how many people had come together to help me. It was like a well assembled crew of friends who got together to be there for me. It was quite cool.

All of you know Aldis right? Well this is the same thing, you prolly recognize the sign, but its called Hoffer instead. Austrians have a thing about making themselves different from Germans. Anyways i felt that this really embodied the austrian spirit. Hoffer is fuckign awesome, and the mountains are fucking awesome too. Plus i took this from the train, which is also austrian, hey waddayaknow. Anyway i like this pic and if you knew hoffer, you would too.

well, until later SERVUUUUUUSSSSSSS,
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