
Sep 25, 2005 21:19

So things have begun to swing back up again. I followed my advice and got out of the house. Heres a summary of the cool parts of the last couple days.
Friday I went to school from 9 to 10, and then Tobi told the headmaster he needed to 'show me the town' and we left and had a beer. A beer and some yougurt, fuckign good too. We went and visited some other schools and basically dicked around and had fun. So that was good.
At 12 we parted ways and i met with Karol from Equador and Ismael, ma buddy, also from equador. We went shopping and i got some new cool rocking euro shoes. Good news they were only 20 euros, normally 75 is the cheapest, go me. Also pretty cool i was interviewed by some guy witha camera about knodel and then appeared on the austrian 8:00 news saying 'Ich liebe Knodel!!!!' HEH it was great. My whole family sat down and watched it with me, they all applauded after my 1.5 seconds of fame. My host father even told me that i said those 3 whole words without any accent. GO ME!!! I AM FAMOUS!!! I found a Hoffer, its Aldis. Aldis and Hoffer are the same thign, but the two brothers who started them together decided that the ones in austria should be called Hoffer, no one can tell me why. At hoffer i bought a liter of wine for 1.49...thats fuckign cheap. Also i found duct tape today so that was good. Um lets see i drank the wine got very drunk and went bar hopping. The night ended in an hour long walk to ismaels house. I am not exaggerating in the least, it is at lest 6 kilometers to his house. Blah blah blah it was good.
The next mornign we got the train to Wels, a city about 30 km south of Linz. There we met up with some more latinos and spent the day dickign around and me not understanding spanish. That night we walked around Wels checking out bars and drinking beer. The beer here is spectacular. Since i dont speak spanish we invented a unique combination of german and english to communicate. It was quite cool. I have a bunch of cool pics that ill post in a bit. Coolest thing about that night was that we spent it salsa dancing. I can now move my ass, how cool is that? Lots of fun that night, itll be better when i have pics to explain things but they are enroute. The coolest thing and the part that really makes me not depressed anymore is my progress in german. I had several convos with peeps in german and it comes out all on its own now. Everyone host parent i meet tells em how good it is and people call me a liar when i tell them how long ive been here. It makes me really happy. Last night i had my first dream entirely in german and goddamn was it a wierd experience. I woke up and stared into teh darkness and i heard myself say....'What the FUCK!!!' I think in german a lot now, i was talking to a guy and he told me it was ok to speak english with him becaue he understood and i answered in german that that was cool and i would be happy to speak english.
I wrote a poem in germanglish the other day. I feel like i have so many more words at my disposal now, some things you can say much better in german. Unfortunatly none of you will be able to read my poem...oh well.
i have the feeling that this entry sucks, but oh well, its a good quick summary. I love the german language.
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