Jan 18, 2004 23:02
yesterday was a pretty good day. we all went up to cash and there were definetly some rockets shot off and also there was definetly manwiches for all and then some. then there was definetly some drift contestage going on. i think martin definently would have won had we actually cared who won. we left cash and i followed katie home so she could drop off her car then we went to wal mart. typical jim foolery type wal mart stuff went down. we went to el palenque, and it all of a sudden was jims birthday. katie offered him a special present, i guess jim wasnt in the mood though. so then after that jason asked katie to marry him. we got some people in the room to believe us, but i think we could do better if we had it planned out in advance (including 25 cent taco bell ring) and werent all laughing during it. ah well it was fun nonetheless. went back to canadas house after that, basically there was pudding, wrestling, chappelle's show and indoor sleding. all the things that make canadas house great. sarah was there, i handed her plates like it wasnt no thang. i left around midnight. today, typical sunday stuff happened. tommorrow, no school so im probably gonna end up wasting the entire day sleeping and dicking around. well thats all for now people. xXenophobiax