freewrite - hope

Oct 30, 2008 22:35

word count - 147

Hope is a fragile and fleeting thing. If one spends their entire lives in despair they will never know hope. Hope is for those who have seen both despair and joy. The want for everything to be alright is hope. Our entire society has made a mockery of what we believed in for our country. We shades can tell the story better than most, but not many will ever ask our opinion.

You’ve never heard of us before have you? That is fine. We are the shadows of human beings, souls that never crossed over. We are souls created and never born. We are the lost ones seeded by humanity and the fallen; we are born and never die. So you see we are the best at spotting hope, because we have watched you. Trapped in the shadows and longing for the light… that is our existence.

drabble, free write

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