Oct 28, 2004 00:01
Well, I am a very sad Alana. The Cadavers are no more :(
On another note, I got a lot accomplished today. I worked out for the first time in weeks- YAY ME! I cleaned my office - WOW there's a floor in here!! I made bread in my bread machine - It was gross. AND I got another A on a psych test - My grades are comin back up, baby. Oh, yeah, and I'm phone whoring it again - money money money money MONEY!!!
I wrote a KILLER song last night! I'm workin on the guitar now. Well, not at this very second, but...in like 10 minutes. I needed a smoke.
Today Is a very good day! I'm proud of myself. I should get off my fat ass and do something more often, it feels great!