Title: The Song of Old Lovers
Song/Artist: 'The Song of Old Lovers' sung by Camille O'Sullivan, composed by Jacques Brel.
Fandom: Mad Men
Description: An ensemble vid looking at the theme of imperfect love in Mad Men in its many and varied forms.
Pairings: Don/Betty, Pete/Peggy, Roger/Joan, Don/Rachel, Pete/Trudy, Harry/Hildy, Joan/Kinsey, Roger/Mona, Sal/Ken, Betty/Glen and more!
Spoilers: For S1 and S2.
Warnings: Scenes of a sexual nature.
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Vidding Meta: Oh, Mad Men. Oh Camille. You so pretty...
Don't mind me. I've just discovered that vidding is very theraputic and I can't stop myself. I also think loving emotional clips from Mad Men combined with a Brel song performed by Camille are quite the gorgeousest thing ever. On her 'Little Yearning' album Camille describes 'The Song of Old Lovers' one of the most tender and honest tributes to love. I thoroughly agree. The song paints a very realistic picture of two lovers. It doesn't pretend that they only ever loved one person in their lives, it doesn't say they always connected or agreed, or that they have always been happy together. Yet the couple in the song are still together and they do still love each other. The imperfect love in this song really reminded me of how love is portrayed on Mad Men in pretty much every single relationship on the show.
I've focused on the major characters and ships; Don/Betty, Pete/Peggy and Joan/Roger. But there are plenty of minor ships captured too, such as Harry/Hildy and Joan/Kinsey. There is platonic love in the form of friendship and family. There's a nice amount of canon gay with Sal making eyes at Elliot and Kenny and Carole declaring her love to Joan. And my personal favourite; Betty/Glen. *sigh* Glen will be over 18 by the end of the 60s, right? I'm still rooting for those two to get together. You know, I think I featured almost every MM ship you can think of. I didn't manage Duck/Chauncey and Betty/Tumble Dryer though. Maybe next time. Pete/Peggy couch sex is in there again; with new angles and zoomy effects. I think P/P sex will likely appear in any MM vid I make; even one that isn't about either character.
I ended this one on a depressive note for each of the characters; Peggy sitting in church numbing herself to the screaming baby, Pete sitting alone in the dark holding his shotgun, Joan being raped on the office floor and Don/Betty's frosty reunion. I don't know if that was the right thing to do, but I guess I was trying to express was that life is very harsh and painful. So any love that you have even if it is imperfect is worth holding onto. I think all the MM characters have moments of forgetting and realising this.
Huge thanks and kisses to anyone who takes the time to watch this!