"Love was invented by guys like me. To sell nylons."

May 18, 2015 19:47

Anyone want to talk about the end of Mad Men?

I've had my fair share of issues with this show and I've steadily become a lesser fan from S5 onwards. But I mostly like the way they've ended it. With the Coke advert especially. Perfect really. Like, look at all the progress we've made in the last decade. Progress for women, progress for ethnic minorities, progress for the young! Yay for all this hippy liberal progress! Now let us use all that positive progressive movement to be greedy corporate capitalists and sell coca cola. Which brings us to the world we live in now. Really that's the perfect ending for Mad Men. Don Draper was never capable of change (though Pete Campbell might be?), he still sleeps on a bed of money.

But also Peggy said "A thing like that" to Pete. And melted into a puddle of purest delight.

But also...poor Betty Draper. Of course she's the only character to be punished for their smoking habit.  

mad men

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