First a quick health update for anyone who's interested. I'm feeling a little better. My doctor has confirmed that while I do still have a hormone imbalance (high stress hormones in particular), the pill seems to be the main thing that has been messing me up, so now I'm coming off it there's hope that my body might re-balance itself naturally. To
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Also, I've come to spot some of the digital work and its flaws when the clones share a scene so it kinda takes the magic away. The scene between Sarah and Cosima interlocking hands in bed was really well done, though.
McConaughey's performance on True Detective was the role of a lifetime -- like Walter White is Cranston's --, he was better there than in Dallas Byers Club IMO, and I doubt he will be that great again. It's a one time performance so I guess that's the reason they picked him over Bryan who already won so many times for his role in Breaking Bad. Walt is a much more interesting and developped character, that we've seen evolved over 6 years, but McConaughey was truly amazing in TD ( ... )
I've rewatched the first season of The Americans and he was already terrific but he outshone everybody in season 2.
The problem is that Alison Tollman was mostly unknown, while BBT and Martin Freeman are movie stars...
Now I'm going to watch the first eppy of RECTIFY's second season!
I just loved seeing the Clone club really bonding as sisters in S2. They were all far more at odds in S1. The Sarah and Cosima scene in bed was lovely.
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