First a quick health update for anyone who's interested. I'm feeling a little better. My doctor has confirmed that while I do still have a hormone imbalance (high stress hormones in particular), the pill seems to be the main thing that has been messing me up, so now I'm coming off it there's hope that my body might re-balance itself naturally. To that end, I'm having six weeks of trying to find a natural balance - so I'm off caffeine, alcohol, white carbs and sugary foods, and I'm boosting my fiber and protein, getting regular exercise and aiming to sleep properly (the last one is proving the hardest. Getting to sleep and staying asleep has become a nightly battle). Hopefully I'm on the mend. At the end of the six weeks I'll have another blood test to see if my hormones have leveled out or if I'll need an alternative treatment. So that's that. And now onto fandom things...
Nooo, Orphan Black S2 is over. But OMG. The clone dance party may be my favorite TV moment so far this year.
Great ending to a great second season. I'm relieved that the cliffhanger of doom didn't involve any of our four lead clone girls being killed off or left on the brink of death. Well, I did have a minor heart-attack when I was sure that Cosima had died in her sleep, but she seems to be safely surviving into next season. I had a second minor heart-attack when they mentioned the male clones (I always said there would be male clones!) and I was terrified for a moment that they were going to be Felix clones (especially after that cheeky tease of Cal saying it was a "clones only" night and Felix saying "That means me too"). Phew! There can only be one Felix brother-sestra. And well, I'd never have guessed at the male clone being...what's his name? I don't even know his name! Creepy cult guy, you know. Whoever he is, he better be a versatile actor to avoid Tatiana embarrassing him in S3. And shit! Where are they taking our poor abused BB Helena now? Paul and Mrs S seem to have started their own special group that I'll call the "Covert fuckers who fuck you over just when you really start to trust them" club. They make a very sly dastardly team, goddamn them. Lastly,do we think Rachel was killed by the pencil or will we get to enjoy crazy pirate Rachel in S3?
In other news, I finished Orange is the New Black S2. Anyone else done binging yet?
I won't do a full S2 review because it'd take up hours of my day. I'll admit I'm not a fan of Netflix dumping all 13 new episodes onto its channel at once. You don't get to properly savor the story and I ended up rushing through it, mostly because I feared I'd encounter spoilers if I didn't get it all watched. That said, I loved S2 every bit as much as S1. Poussey and Morello were my faves this year and I will always love Crazy Eyes despite a lot of fans feeling that her character was ruined by Vee's influence. I have a lot more thoughts but don't really know where to begin with them. But please talk to me anyone who is done or part way done!
Critics Choice Awards continue to be the Best Awards. Best Drama & Comedy show awards for Breaking Bad and Orange respectively, Tatiana for Best Actress, our boy Aaron for Best Supporting Actor and (squeee!) my BB Uzo 'Crazy Eyes' Abuda for Best Guest Performer. However Matthew McConaughey proves to be even better than Bryan Cranston at hogging all the awards for himself.
Still haven't finished Game of Thrones or Mad Men, so what else is new?
Also it's kind of embarrassing how excited I am for Teen Wolf S4 starting this week.