2013 in Fandom: "I Threw My Pie for You."

Dec 30, 2013 21:12

End of year fandom meme time. This one was gakked from bessiemaemucho.

Fandom Faves of the Year )

novels, fandom, meme, movies, music

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bessiemaemucho January 2 2014, 22:09:53 UTC
It is still online, though I haven't updated it in years and it's not very impressive by 2013 internet standards. Still I can't resist bragging about it occasionally, because... Neil Gaiman talked about me on his blog, omg. Only the Gods Are Real.

Yes, I'm excited for the new novel! There is also a Shadow novella that got collected in some anthology. (I just looked it up--it's called "Monarch of the Glen" and it's in his anthology Fragile Things, though when I read it it was before Fragile Things came out and it was in some Best of Fantasy multi-author anthology.) Anyway, I remember it being good, if you're looking for more Shadow adventures :)

I'm tentatively excited for the show, but there have been previous talks of that (or of a movie) that never materialized. There's also renewed talk of a Sandman movie, which again... has happened before.

Also, thank you! I saw your email but haven't opened the attachment yet. I went to Chicago for New Year's Eve, got home at 2am today, went into work for a half-day, and then I have a 3-day weekend and am leaving at 6am for a wedding in Minnesota, assuming the weather allows me to get there. (Fingers crossed!)


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