The Mercy Seat: A Felix Gaeta Video Tribute

Feb 24, 2009 15:22

Title: The Mercy Seat
Song/Artist: 'The Mercy Seat' by Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Description: A tribute to the hysterically tragic life of Felix Gaeta. This video includes surreal religious depictions of Felix's own personal idol, Gaius Baltar, a few shady characters like Zarek and Crazy Eight who like to kill people when Felix's back is turned then blame him for it, and good old Lieutenant Hoshi, the perfect boyfriend for assisted morpha overdoses. A host of other BSG characters also appear to whip poor Felix to his inevitable doom.  
Pairings: Mostly Gaeta/Baltar with hints of Gaeta/Hoshi, Gaeta/Eight and Baltar/Six.
Spoilers: Up to episode 4x14 (Blood on the Scales)
Warnings: Dark themes including depictions of execution, suicide, murder, violence, kidnapping, amputation, drug use and insanity. All the lovely things we have come to expect from the average episode of BSG.

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Yes! Seriously. I made a fanvid. My first (and probably my last) fanvid ever. So please watch it!

cylune9  and kajam - my vidder heroes. I need to thank them both from the bottom of my heart not only for helping me out with clips, advice and beta suggestions, but for having inspired me so much with their own wonderful vids. And for being two of my best online friends.

Thank you so much, guys! *hugs*

Oh and if you haven't already, watch this...Colourblind.  

vids, bsg

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