Jan 02, 2004 14:34
New year. Primarily an excuse to get shit faced, practice counting down from 5 to 0, then kissing random people. It can be exciting, and I guess I enjoyed this years enough, not as much as usual though.
Jayce, beloved friend of mine, having a bash at his house. Now, Jayce’s mum, Tammy, grew up in Moe, now lives in Carrum Downs, but she is very intelligent, and straight down the line, don’t fuck with her, her kids, or her house. Love her, I think her principals are excellent and she’s a fucking hoot, drinks n smokes like a bloke. So she always makes one of Jayce’s party’s interesting, apart from the fact me n Jayce like to run around and imitate Prue and Trude off Kath and Kim. “Haaaaiiiiii, Harwaryu?”
Jim was at this one though, with some new people that judged me instantly they found out I was the Chris that lived with Jim, he must have told them stuff, and yeah, so you just ignore dweebs that don’t even bother to get both sides of the story. Leeann I believe it is, one of Laura’s old friends. We’ll I got sick of it after the second person saying ‘Jim is a great guy’. Yes he is, I have no doubt, we were great friends, but now, in my eyes he’s a cunt. We both did things that we regret, him more so than me, and we can’t get along, and it’s that simple, and as Tammy said, you should love us both, and keep the fuck out of it, like her, Jayce, Tony. However what upsets me, and I don’t know if it should, but some of my closest friends are starting to get real close to Jim, Nathan for instance. Said ‘Hi’ when I got there and then he retreated back to the bedroom where Jim was. Meh, have another beer and a few more ciggies, it feeling will pass. Andy is another one, trying to tell me he’s a great person, and Jim lying all over him. I just said to Andy, “Look, you live with two dykes, one cronically depressed, the other a manic depressant, and a poof who has schizophrenia, for three months and then see how bitter you come of it.
One pack of smokes, gone. Only gave two away. Shit.
“Jim? You got five minutes? Lets go sit in the gutter where we belong” So I say about how I never want to be his friends, mate or anything, I never want speak to him online or anything…but considering we are in the same circle of friends we need to be able to be civil to each other when they are around. A fair solution to this shit I thought. Accepted, done, whatever. Wonder which Jim I was talking to? No mention of fluffy farm animals, so I’m hoping it was the rational one, and if so, only the second time I had ever seen him.
Ace, I feel better, being the bigger person and making the first move to fix the immature shit, like running behind pillars at Flinders Street when I’m there. Bleh, fuck it. It’s over, and if it’s not, I’ve done the mature thing, and I’m happy about that. And so is Tammy.
My sister called me, said if I was in the city I could crash at the hotel with her and her partner, Shane, which I thought was great. Called Mummy at 0.05 and she was asleep, silly girl. Blew her kisses over the phone.
Another half a pack of smokes gone. Feeling rather *wobbles*. Hit the sack. More or less it, hang around until later that evening watching DVD’s all day, feeling like a turd in an oven bag that has been roasted twice and reheated once. Not because of the stubbies, but the smokes. It wasn’t good. All better now though.
Nana came over last night and she told me about her new years, it’s starting to make me twitch, I guess friends will be friends. Who else but me buys mince on new years day. Shit me up against the wall, Bi-Lo fucking closed. Meh, I’ll start from the start.
Nana comes over because she’s bored and I don’t think Alia is the best place for me, considering I still can’t touch a smoke. We go out, and we go on an expedition for a video store to rent from, Potatoes, Spaghetti, Tomato Paste, Mince, and a Slurppee. Drive from mine to Oakleigh, VideoEzy, Blockbuster both closed. Drive across the bridge and go to the 7-11, but Nana didn’t like the look of their slurppee’s, looked more like Sloppees. So then we try and go to Bi-Lo, turn in off Warrigal Rd to go into Chadstone and of course, being after 10pm the Middle Rd gates are closed, we attempt a U-Turn and head out to get into Chadstone from Dandenong Rd. The whole time having a bitch and whinge about our new years. Get into the shopping centre, and Bi-Lo is closed. This point I was getting very angry, just because it’s a public holiday, people still need food at 10.20pm. Arg, so we drive up to the 24hr Safeway on Warrigal & High St. Open. Ace. We go in and buy everything we need, except mince. There was none on the shelf, and the old, bitter mole behind the deli rudely informs us it is a public holiday. Again. Who the fuck cares! Hmm, “there’s a Safeway in Burwood, somewhere near Elgar”. Well, it was Middleborough but I was close. After driving in a nice S shape, High St., Huntingdale, Highbury, Warrigal, Burwood Hwy, we got there and as we pulled up at the right turn traffic lights we spotted about six guys in the underground carpark for Safeway, playing cricket at 10.30 at night. Umm, yes, that’s what people do here, you see, my theory, the closer you get to Box Hill, the more fucked in the head people get, in general that is, Ceri, you’re an exception. However yes, it turns out that Safeway is closed. About ready to kill someone now. Up Burwood Hwy, down Warrigal, get a Slurppee, good consistency. I had the ones that come out like dog shit, like a Mr. Whippy, like when it curls into a snake formation, I like it when it flows, but I didn’t get one as I think it would have bounced in my still tender stomach. Then came home, and I cooked my usual dinner now I have potatoes! Yum.
We watched the castle, laughed a lot. Well, I did. “Dad, dug another whole. Filling with water” -Dale
Funny stuff. Faruuk is a funny ‘farkin’ prick too.
Anyway, so yes, my toast is awaiting my mouth, or vice versa, depending on whether my glass of milk will be half full or half empty, I’ll leave that for you to decide since you just sat there and read 1,160 words of shit I typed. Dude, get a life, or a hobby, or a dildo or something.