Couple quick things worth a brief note in the annals of my livejournal history.
Been hanging out with Steve Daniels a lot recently. Saturday night after scotch and Wii, we ended up going to a Built to Spill show at Higher Ground- neither of us had seen them before, and not only are they a late 90s indie staple, they happen to be one of my top 5 groups of all time, easy. Some lame seeming reggae guy opened, so we headed over some hour or so after doors open. As we pull into the back lot to park, we notice some people playing basketball on the little hoop behind the back entrance.
Me: That guy looks kind of familiar!
Steve: The guys from BtS DO love their basketball...
Me: !! Okay, don't park there, let's park in front of the hoop area, walk down, and casually insinuate ourselves into the game!
Steve, renowned throughout the ultimate community for his lack of ups, understandably balks, but I convince him in short order and we meander down and introduce ourselves.
Doug, I found, was impressively down to earth for a man who's made such a cultural impact, and just incredibly nice and accommodating-- even when I announced to the group (comprised of rabble and hangers-on, evidently, as none of them were on stage during the show) that I didn't foresee a successful career change when he failed to sink a seventh consecutive three-pointer, openly mocked his jewish band bitch, and flirted with the cute girl roadie who shot using I'm pretty sure only her boobs.
Now, I didn't dunk on him, we didn't manage to get in free through the band entrance, the band didn't come back to our place after the show (though Steve has hosted some slightly lesser known bands in the past), and we didn't even receive a shout out from on stage (we hovered halfway back in the crowd per Steve's wishes) so it doesn't quite rank with other music scene name-dropping moments... partying with the Pietasters or Citizen Cope are "cooler" things to have done, having Mary Prankster do your birthday party (of which I would still love to see pictures/video from!!) is significantly more awesome, but I left pretty generally impressed Doug as a man and as an icon.
The show itself: they weren't pimping a new album (the last one came out in 2006) so they actually played a hefty amount of their older stuff. A few fan favorites... Time Trap came early in the set, an extended version of Car was the encore, but they didn't play either of the two I went in hoping to see (Still Flat and Distopian Dream Girl). I thought the music slightly overwhelmed the singing (but then I really like Doug's voice and song writing, so I'd prefer an acoustical arrangement anyway), so towards the middle of the set when he did a song off of Perfect From Now On that was essentially him and his guitar, I was really impressed.
Okay, enough of that. Right now I'm filling out applications for housing in Santa Cruz. Will probably start paying for a place within the next two weeks, not sure when I'll actually fly out. Would like to sell some stuff off before I quit this state, so if anyone wants a samsung 204b 21.5" monitor, glass-topped coffee table, mini fridge, double twin bed frame/mattresses, books, cds, bureaus, or like, a car, let me know.
The first place we were getting fell through, but that's more than fine with me; I would've felt as though we were overpaying for what we were to have received, I didn't really want to live with girls anyway, and we still ended up with their numbers and their interest. Right now we've got our teeth sunk into a bigger victorian place- we'll be living with more people than I had considered as really an option, but it's growing on me- especially as one of the guys plays disc for UCSC, another has volunteered his Kawasaki Ninja 500 to learn on, and there's a gigantic plum tree in the back yard.
Off to my brother's babe ruth all star game, I guess I'll edit in some more stuff when I return.