304 - What are you hiding from?

Oct 13, 2009 14:58

Nothing, really. I mean, ever since Slayers sort of got to be "known" around the world, and vampires became the cool thing to be (thanks to Harmony, the idiot), I really don't have to hide. I'm not some superhero or anything, so it's not like there's a big old secret identity-thing going on, although Xander thinks it would be cool. He keeps walking around with that eye patch on and calling himself Nick Fury, which makes no sense to me because wasn't he played by Samuel L. Jackson in that Iron Man movie?

Well, whatever. I mean, we were in Scotland, hiding out from pretty much everyone, but that sort of blew up in our faces. Literally.

At least Dawn's not a giant anymore. Long story.

Although, come to think of it, we are sort of hunted by the press these days, saying we're the big bads trying to hurt poor, innocent vamps like Harmony. Don't get me wrong; there are some good vamps out there (hello Angel and Spike), but Harmony isn't one of them. First off with that reality TV show she has? SO not poor. Secondly, knowing how she was back in high school? SO not innocent. Still, it's odd that because of Harmony breaking the huge code of silence about vampires, it ended up causing a mess of trouble for every Slayer in the world.

Yeah, pretty much all the girls hate me now for coming up with the spell idea. You'd think they'd hate Willow, but most of them just think she's cool because of the magicks. I don't get it... I can't win, no matter what.

That's nothing new, though.

So... in this weird, rambling answer, I guess I am hiding from the world now. Huh.

Thanks a lot, Harmony, you stupid-pink-unicorn-loving vampire.

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 299
OOC: This is a canon response to "Buffy Season Eight", the comic series.

harmony is an idiot, season eight canon, theatrical muse, slayers

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