As if it couldn't get any worse

Jun 25, 2008 11:19

Buffy was going to spend some quality time with her roomie, which would be good because she needed someone to tell her that she wasn't completely wrong in the way that she was feeling at the moment. The way she went about it? Probably wasn't the smartest thing, but still. She felt like it was back with The First and she was getting kicked out of her own home again, falling down to the bottom until she was all alone thanks to the people she cared about the most.

Still, even if she thought she might be right in how she felt (and that Angel was acting all high and mighty and not really thinking about Kara), she was still going to try. Which meant that most people wouldn't care one way or the other, but she was going to try and fix things. It was what she did, right? Fix people. Save the world. End up alone.

She sent letters (handwritten stuff was so much better than emails) to a few people to, well, try.

Dear Harry,

I would just like to take this opportunity to apologize for upsetting your wife after the kindness that you showed to me. I know you probably don't want my help, but if there is anything I can do to help anyway? Let me know.



Hey, I hope you're not going to Japan. Or if you are, then not for long because we'd miss you. I'd miss you. Anyway, I just wanted to say that and tell you that you're doing a great job as a mom.

Love, Buffy


I know you're not talking to me and hey, you probably won't be talking to me ever again, but if it means anything? I think you're a great father. And I honestly do want you to be happy.

I'm sorry.

Love, Buffy


We need to talk. Preferably in person, but if not, then just talk. And by talking, I mean figuring things out between us that have nothing to do with Angel. See, me? Trying to be a grown-up here.

Anyway. I hope we talk soon.


After she'd sent out the letters, though, she got one she wasn't expecting. Buffy sank to the floor and read, re-read, and re-re-read it to make sure that she understood what it said. It was from Roger, who was supposed to be in town helping her out with the Slayers and the training and getting what was left of the Watchers together. Instead, he'd sent her a letter. (What was with all the letters all of a sudden?)

Miss Summers,

This is to inform you that the Slayers you were previously training are no longer under your tutelage. Due to your current unbalanced emotional status, you are no longer fit to train anyone. I, as acting head of the newly-reformed Watcher's Council, will be taking over. I strongly suggest you do not get in the way.

Roger Wyndam-Pryce

Buffy was holding it all together just barely, and this was the last straw.

kara, faith, angel, slayers, harry, roger

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