if I had one, tiny wish granted

Oct 29, 2004 13:56

I would slap Peggy Noonan. Hard.

From Election 2004: Both Sides, October 11.

Boston, Mass.: Ms. Noonan,
I read somewhere than an overwhelming percentage of voters with a post-graduate degree vote Democratic. Any explanation?

Peggy Noonan: Yes, it is an interesting phenom [sic], but as you rise in American life -- as you become more successful and affluent and educated, and as you mix more with the impressively affluent and successful -- you go left in your politics. You are more likely to become a Democrat. Common folk are more likely to stay or be Repubs. Isn't it interesting? Reasons? A billion. One: the highr [sic] you go the more embarassed you are by grandma's common sense. She didn't go to Yale, how could she be right? That's one thing. Another: the highly successful in America lose touch with normal life on the ground in America. The highly successful in America in the 80s just didn't understand why people were worried about crime -- because they were protected from crime by doormen and gates and expensive security systems. Normal people were vulnerable. So normal people worried. And found a party that worried with them and had answers: the Repubs. Those are two answers of a billion.

So Republican = party of the little guy, defender of the impoverished, the party with a direct line into a "normal life". Dude, Peggy Noonan, put down the pipe and stop insulting my grandmas.

I wonder if she's read Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There* because it sounds like she and David Brooks should just cuddle up for tea and feed each other lies about how beneficience and a desire to help your fellow man is only a thin veneer affected to disguise the selfish, consumeristic heart of the liberal.

* Wherein Brooks, among other things, suggests that a major reason for the civil rights protests, women's rights protests, anti-war protests of the 60s was because the boomers wanted to clear out the ruling upper class so they could someday take their places, buy expensive slate floors for their kitchens, shop at Whole Foods and grind the poor under their boot heels.

jerkfaces, aaaaraaghhhhhhh!, politics

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