House's Entry

Nov 23, 2006 20:52

Thanksgiving was a disaster.

And I think it's pretty much all my fault.

First of all I lost a patient this morning. Around eight this morning they went into cardiac arrest because of the medication that I prescribed. I wasn't able to save them. No one at the hospital said anything but I saw the looks on their faces; even Cameron gave me a look that said she pitied me. I hate pity.

I went home, got into the shower and just sat for a while. The water worked wonders on my leg; it's been in a lot of pain for a few days now. I slid the door open to look at the clock at one point, it was about one in the afternoon, so I climbed out and went to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner at Amy's place. The first real Thanksgiving I've had since I was a kid, and it was brought to a crashing halt.

As I pulled into Amy's driveway I heard a crash from inside, thought it sounded like someone had thrown something, she still has yet to explain that. But Kristin's car was already there and I kind of guessed what had happened. Sure enough the girl came tearing out the house, her mascara and eyeliner mixing and running down her face.

I don't know what came over me. I'm usually not so compassionate, not so caring, this girl does things to me. But I grabbed my cane, and ignoring the pain, I moved as fast as I could toward her. She took a few steps and collapsed into me; it took all I had not to fall with her.

Olaf didn't come out of the house.

I never did feel okay letting her be with him again. I've worried about her since the moment she told me they were back together. So I held her to me and ran my hand through her hair while she sobbed into my shoulder.

"Take me to your place," She whispered.

Don’t ask me why I did it. I can resist a seventeen year old who practically pins me to a couch, but I can't resist a girl who needs me.

Or she seemed to.

When we got to my apartment she made a beeline for the couch, chucking her shoes at a wall. I ignored it; under any other circumstance I would've complained. Instead I just watched her flop down and burry her head in a pillow while I stuck two dinners in the oven. I moved to my piano and struck a chord.

She looked up, interested; she's always liked my piano playing abilities.

"There was a time," I sang, "I was everything and nothing all in one," She smiled, "When you found me, I was feeling like a cloud across the sun. I need to tell you, how you light up every second of the day. But in the moonlight, you just shine like a beacon on the bay."

She had moved by now, to sit next to me on the bench, her head on my shoulder. I honestly wasn't trying to seduce her, just let her know I cared, "And I can't explain, but there's something about the way you look tonight," I pulled back and looked down at her. Suddenly I was lost in her green eyes, she looked equally lost in my blue ones, "Takes my breath away," I whispered, "It's that feeling I get about you deep inside. And I can't describe, but there's something about the way you look tonight. Takes my breath away."

I kissed her. I don't know why I did it but I did it.

And it felt good.

I think this would classify me as a home wrecker.

With a smile, you pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty, I'm speechless and I don't know where to start
And I can't explain, but it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you deep inside
And I can't describe, but it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away, the way you look tonight

I do not own the lyrics to the song "The Way You Look Tonight" by Elton John
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