Title: Bloody Torchwood
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Gwen/Rhys, Captain Jack Harkness
challenge: rhys williamsRating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, no claims, all property of the BBC.
Notes: Spoilers for "Combat". I've written this theme before, and will write it again. Cross-posted to
my LJ,
outside_bf, and
Bloody Torchwood )
Comments 5
Just the right tone of pissed off and subtly underscored humor, especially to those of us who see from the outside as opposed to being within. Very nicely done ^_^
And, yes, I still haven't gotten that Rhys piece done. I will, eventually, I'm just trying to sort out how I'd like to do it, since I don't think I'm tying it in with the flashfic challenge.
I'm just trying to sort out how I'd like to do it, since I don't think I'm tying it in with the flashfic challenge.
A story's gotta do what a story's gotta do! You'll get there.
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