30 Days of Torchwood: Day 24: Favourite Toshiko Moment...

Feb 28, 2011 11:54

The 30 Days of Torchwood meme:

Day 24: Favourite Toshiko Moment

    How I loved Toshiko.

    But my favourite Toshiko scene - and my favourite Toshiko moment - comes in 2x12 "Fragments", when we see her backstory, and how she came to Torchwood.

    First, there's the wonderful and terrible ongoing scene of Tosh in the UNIT prison.

    The door opens. It's Jack.

    They talk. She's stunned, in a daze, like someone waking up from a confusing dream. Jack teases her, talks to her. For the first time in goodness knows how long, he makes her think.

    And just as we might expect, Tosh is brilliant.

    Jack is not suprised. He's delighted with her: she's living up to his expectations.

    And so Tosh comes to Torchwood.

    I wish they'd devoted a whole episode to Toshiko's story.

toshiko sato, 30 day torchwood meme, captain jack harkness, torchwood

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