From one of the
archy and mehitabel books by Don Marquis (American, 1878-1937):
archy's autobiography
if all the verse what I have penned
were boiled together in a kettle
twould make a meal for every goat
from nome to popocatapetl
and all the prose what I have penned
if laid together end to end
would reach from russia to south bend
but all the money what I saved
from all them works at which i slaved
is not enough to get me shaved
every morning
and all the dams which I care
if heaped together in the air
wouldn't not reach much of anywhere
they wouldnt
because i dont shave every day
and i write for arts sake anyway
and always hate to take my pay
i loathe it
and all of you who credit that
could sit down on an opera hat
and never crush the darn thing flat
you skepticsarchy