Contact Post

Nov 10, 2011 09:51

If you'd like to role play with me on an one-on-one basis, this is the post to contact me at.

First and most importantly, I am over the age of 18.

I am able to role play Faith for any of the seasons on either Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel that have aired. I've read the Season Eight comics to just after Faith's first arc.

Shipping wise, I will ship Faith with pretty much everyone. My Faith is fluid when it comes to sexuality.

I have no problems doing crossovers. Likewise, I have no problems playing Faith good or evil.

I prefer an R/FRM rating or lower. I prefer a fade-to-black scenario when it comes to sex scenes.

Although I prefer to write in third person, I will write in first person. Likewise, I do prefer writing in paragraphs role playing. My only requirements for a writing partner is that they are able to write coherently and that we write in the same POV.

At this time, I am only available for a few hours a week for role playing either on an one-on-one basis or for small games.

If you're interested please leave me a comment at this post with some information.

I can also be found on InsaneJournal under the same user name.


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