"I had been doing so well then I peed on the dress" TM Jewel Staite

Apr 06, 2008 11:26

I have no idea whether this will get posted - over the last (far too many) months I have thought I would post about all sorts of things but this is the first time (despite my shiny new computer that I happen to be completely in love with) that I have managed to get fingers to keyboard and even produce a single word.

Before I start I need to let thegirl20 (cause really who else is going to read this?) know that I am far too daunted by the number of posts of yours I would have to read to get back up to date and it has made me terribly avoidant so I think I will just start from where things are now - you can direct me to things that you think I might die if I don’t read/see. Also, people keep telling me that the Mighty Aloud have broken up and I have been avoiding looking at things that might confirm this - I probably need a gentle explanation from you if this is the case.

Of the things that I thought I would post about I will try and make some comments but it needs to be clear that the thing that has managed to overcome my profound and (possible exceeding anything understood by the laws of physics) inertia has been the geek fest and Jewel FUCKING Staite.

Before I get onto geek fest I will do a little mention of the concerts that I have been to recently (and at this point I use the term “recently” very loosely).

Kate Miller-Heidke - Little Eve Tour

(I like her much better with hair like this BTW)

I so love Kate and was kind of proud of the fact that she performed at the Arias (our bad version of music awards which have exactly zero prestige as far as I can tell) last year and I do like the fact that I sort of feel that I knew her when (and had a v embarrassing fan girl moment when I met her). That said, while I like her voice and will buy whatever album she releases (I am so a merchandiser’s dream) I think her released stuff is lacking some of what I have always liked about her songs - there is just nothing in her new stuff that I feel has the fun of things like ‘Australian Idol’ (which she did sing so I guess I really shouldn’t be complaining) and ‘Gadar’. I did have a lot of fun and I love how much she swore (and that she apologised to her father every time that she did so) but I mainly love that she admitted to hacking into an ex-boyfriend’s email to read the emails from his new girlfriend and that she informed us that “she’s prettier than me but I am a much better speller”.

Kelly Clarkson - My December Tour

I continue to adore Kelly and despite the criticism that My December has received I happen to really, really love the album. “Maybe” is always on high rotation on my iPods. As I recall, the previous Kelly concert resulted in my first non fanfic related post and I feel guilty about not managing to post about this prior to now. It was by no means a disappointment and certainly deserved a post at the time (my sincere apologies to you Kelly).

A little aside, we were rather excited about going to Kelly, having loved it so v much last time, and my friend decided that we would make shirts and so a offer you a little insight into the world of faithinthepoor and how a bright girl can be so very, very stupid - we failed to invert the images for the transfer so when we ironed it on all the words were backwards but by this point is was 2AM so we stuck with our backwards shirts - it did seem to make us quite noticeable and I don’t think Kelly minded at all.

I do need to take a moment to discuss the support acts - Mandy Moore is just about the cutest thing that I have ever, ever seen. I quiet like her Wild Hope album (although I am not mad about the title track (which is Mandy’s favourite so I don’t think Mandy and I will be going out partying together any time soon)) but I have to confess that “Candy” has always been a pleasure of mine (and I would say guilty pleasure but I am not sure that I have ever actually felt the guilt part) and I so loved that she did sing it in the end - albeit a slightly more mature version - and I found it very adorable that she couldn’t actually bring herself to do all of the “I know who you are, your love’s as sweet as candy bit” but I do appreciate that she managed to get it together for the “love always, Mandy” bit.

The second support act was Sean Kingston. Now I have to confess that I have become an old woman and have no idea what the young people are listening to and that I had no idea who he was but I certainly won’t be rushing out to buy his album (nor the underwear he was selling as part of his merchandise) because he was, in a word, crap. In fact I am thinking that his (and his posse’s) performance might have been an insult to things normally termed crap.

Some little notes for you Mr Kingston - for you are basically a child and may be able to learn things (you can feel free to ignore these as I have to confess that while my friends and myself rate enduring your performance as one of the low points or our lives, the 14 year old screaming girls around the auditorium seemed to love it and maybe you have found your target audience). Firstly, if you want people to believe that you are ‘singing’ live it might occur to you that things should sound different if different members of your band are singing and that if you are waving your microphones a mile away from your mouth that actually will affect the sound that you produce. Secondly, the “spontaneous” stories that you and your brother told to introduce songs were more forced, awkward and telegraphed than any award show banter than I have ever endured (in a strange way I guess that is an achievement but it was still painful beyond belief). Thirdly, if you are going to tell a story about how sad you are that people are saying that Seam Kingston can’t rap and setting out to prove them wrong, it is probably better not to then follow this up by a particularly poor rapping display.

Ok so I did get over the pain of the Sean Kingston debacle once Kelly started and much like last time - I jumped, I danced and I sang and I couldn’t talk the following day. Kelly didn’t bust her lip open with her own mic this time but she was still delightfully dorky, especially in the moment where she was doing a little spiel to introduce a song and turned around to ask her guitarist what the hell he was playing as she was introducing a different song having totally forgotten her own set list. I really liked that some of the older songs were funked up a bit - particularly the intro to “Miss Independent” (in fact I loved the whole opening to that and the dancing behind the screen).

I ended up buying a Patty Griffin CD because Kelly told me to and (I clearly still have a long way to go in being knowledgeable in the world of country) I had no idea that she had written “Top of the World” and “Truth No 2”.

I have to confess that I am not v bright and thought the song “Chivas” was actually called “Shivers” but I don’t think that previously effected my basic enjoyment or understanding of the song.

The girl can sing and the fact that rather than asking her audience to clap, she asks people to jump is for some reason highly appealing to me.

In case I haven’t made it clear, the concert was fabulous and my friends and I are definitely all in for the next tour she does down here - in fact I think that both LTC and FFM’s wife were at risk of having a stroke, so excited were they by the whole event. As for me, I have decided that Kelly and I would be awesome drinking buddies.

Celine Dion - Taking Chances Tour

I have to tell you that I have copped no end of shit over the last couple of months from my superiors for the fact that I was going to this and then they had a complete field day when Celine postponed her concert to the night I was meant to be going to the Smashing Pumpkins concert and I still went to Celine (they were having a hard time accepting that anyone had paid money to see her (and they don’t even have a clue just how much money) and can’t at all process that I would select her over another option). I have to say that I am annoyed about the wasted Pumpkins concert study (Celine postponed her concert 5 days before I was due to go the Smashing Pumpkins and I had been studying and I feel that there albums should come with a warning, not one of those pointless explicit language warnings but one that might actually be helpful, that reads “listening to a lot of these songs in a short period of time can produce a minor depressive episode” - my god Billy “I’ll burn my eyes out before I get out” is one sad man (still my friends that went said the concert was just awesome and I am sad that I didn’t get to go)).

OK onto Celine herself. Well not yet - I should point out that her support was “short guy singing that really annoying song by Craig David” that Kate Miller-Heidke refers to in “Australian Idol” and that I may have been disinherited for attending a concert that he sang at such is my mother’s hatred for him. I did manage to fail to enjoy his performance (even if I am warmer towards him now that he has finally outed himself) and I hope that counts for something. I am also forced to watch him on It Takes Two which I only mention so that I get to pimp the fact that my girl Erika...

is now the co-host (and rocks at it) and and my girl Jolene....

has the lead role in a musical! Yay now if only I could get her to marry David and score an invite to that wedding that chapter of my tv life would be complete.

Celine sounded great (and I say this knowing that a large percentage of the population feel that she just screeches and caterwauls) and there was no evidence of illness in her voice. She didn’t do that kicking her leg in the air thing that she seems so found of so I guess there may have been still lingering effects of illness - well either that or lasting effects of now being 40. It’s funny, at the concert everyone seemed to think she looked amazing for 40 but all the people that have been mocking me are surprised that she is only 40 and put her closer to 50. I was actually surprised at how little spectacle there was in the concert given that she is coming off A New Day but I am happy for her to just stand there and sing - cause that means I get sing more! My only real complaint is that “It’s All Coming to Me Now” was truncated cause I would have happily belted out all 7 plus minutes of the original version.

Maroon 5 - It Won’t Be Soon Before Long Tour

This is the most recent thing I have seen (both it and Celine were this week) and is the freshest in my memory but will probably have the least said about it as I just really want to get to onto the geek fest. In summary I like that One Republic were one of the support acts cause thanks to So You Think You Can Dance I love “Apologize” and I loved that Maroon 5 would never need to be told to ‘shut up and sing’ cause there was very, very little speaking at all and I quite liked the fact that there were little musical links between most of the songs. I also liked that the set was short (despite most people complaining about this) as I am old and tired and it is hard for me to be out late on school nights.

and so onto GEEK FEST 2008. Where it should be pointed out that I bought the least merchandise ever (I may becoming responsible in my dotage) and that there was no Movieworld trip following it this year (which is so sad cause last year’s trip to a geeked out Movieworld was a truly squee worthy moment) but it was still a great day and one in which I got the most autographs ever.

My focus yesterday was definitely guest heavy and in (relatively) succinct terms -

Teryl Rothery?

Cute as a bunny holding kitten and freaken’ hilarious and definitely someone I could go drinking with, how could you not love someone who called up her co-worker in tears because she had been told that her character was being killed of and informed him that she had told them that they should have killed him instead!?

Michael Winslow?

Hey what can I say? I loved Spaceballs when I was a kid. The man is very talented but may be responsible for having caused me some permanent hearing loss - kinda my fault though. Tip for young players, do not sit next to a speaker at a Michael Winsow Q and A.

James Kyson Lee?

Has the cutest smile and seemed to find me funny when he was signing autographs and may well be my new TV boyfriend.

Jewel Staite?

Ok so the self-confessed Princess thing means that Jewel and I probably shouldn’t go drinking together and she was rather standoffish when signing autographs so she is so not my new BFF in the way that Summer FUCKING Glau was (maybe I need to be more nervous when getting things signed - the way I was about having written crazy space incest about Summer’s character, the femslash about Jewel’s didn’t seem to bother me at all - cause that seems to lead to better bonding) but she so still gets to be Jewel FUCKING Staite because she self confessed to having a complete fangirl moment upon meeting Mia Furlan, she admitted to watching her own show and movie several times a year, she admitted to downloading a TV show and most importantly brought up femslash…….

“Kaylee and Jayne? No way, never. Now Kaylee and Inara on the other hand [pause for complete lack of understanding from most of the audience and complete overexcited meltdown on my part] - the looks? The flirting? The hair brushing? I’m just saying there was something there.” Which is far as I am concerned officially makes it cannon and I could not be happier! Jewel Staite rocks hardcore!!!!!!!!!!!

maroon 5, firefly, music, jossverse, kelly clarkson, geek fest, concerts, celine dion, mandy moore, kate miller-heidke

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