So, I got a freebie yesterday - women on my friendslist, this might be of interest!
So yeah, Bodyform are giving away these little sanitary towel tin things, on the towel packets. They're about the size of a makeup compact mirror (so about palm-sized, that is, for the non-girly among you) and will shove neatly into an inside coat pocket or the back of your jeans if need be. Mine is red, with a sort of embossed pattern that vaguely suggests snakeskin.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm entirely pleased with this gadget and think it's about time it existed. Carrying towels, especially if you're like me and want to have everything in your pockets to save carrying a bag, is a nuisance, and having something both discreetly anonymous and hygienically closeable to keep them in is nifty. But... why are the colour schemes tedious pale blues and greens and reds? They're so inoffensive that they actually become offensive again just because nobody with any taste would want to carry something that said so little about their personality or style.
Now, if they were to make sanitary device cases that really reflected the nature of the exercise and the kind of mood that usually goes with it... we could have black leather towel cases with a skull and crossbones, or tampon holders styled on a .50 BMG cartridge. Or, for the less metalheaded, how about ones with those novelty "beware of this woman" style warnings that seem to sell so well on T-shirts, which I bet would go over a storm? Or hey, here's a thought, why not branded ones? Or band ones, or whatever (imagine the size of the potential market for sanitary towel tins with boyband logos on, and boggle!)
Or better yet, how about someone invents some kind of Swiss Army device that holds tampons/towels, little plastic disposal bags AND a chocolate bar, and has a Nurofen dispenser built in? Now THAT I'd pay good money for, especially if it came in black with silver metal corners on it and had Alchemy Gothic art on the front. After all, stash tins, mobile phone cases, wallets, purses, and lighter covers are practically artforms already - why not this? Why are we still treating menstruation as a cramp (sorry) in our styles and letting ourselves be fobbed off with all this inelegant plastic pastel crap that sticks out of our pockets and gets lost at the bottom of our bags, instead of having proper gear for a situation that - let's face it - is going to happen plenty often enough to justify a bit of thought being put into it?
...actually, I really want one of those, now. What do you girls think?