Happy New Year.

Jan 10, 2013 00:52

Well, seems like LJ has now decided to put adverts in between every single post on my friends page AND my own journal. I can only assume this is a tribute to how effectively the human brain has now evolved to not see online adverts, if they've had to go that far. O_O

Anyway, new year, new stuff, is anyone still reading this thing? I know I've not been posting much, indeed barely at all, but curious to know if there's still anyone out there in the void. Life in Whitby continues much as usual, though I was pleased to realise on reviewing last year that I'd actually achieved far more than I'd noticed at the time - aside from running gigs in a town that seemed determined to stop me, I also got rid of my last credit card AND have now clocked the first ever calendar year of my adult life in which I have not worked a single damn day on someone else's payroll. I love this freelance thing.

Highlights? Wacken, organising gigs, going to gigs, meeting a bunch of amazingly cool people, landing various reviewing jobs for some very cool websites (all hail Destructive Music, OneMetal, and Brutal As Hell), getting tons of free music that I was completely authorised to have and did not steal in any way, and previously mentioned points. Lowlights... never having any fucking money ever, mostly. :p On balance though a good year, and this one should hopefully be even better (if only because it has a 13 in it, so should clearly be lucky for me).

I guess the only remaining question is, what the fuck should I be posting about on here? Guys - request a post! Give me a topic, a question, or something you want to hear me ramble about, and I will attempt to post about it. This should soon determine what people are still reading... and indeed IF they are still reading... >.>

Love and Happy New Year,
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