To the bloke who earlier tonight reached out of his car window and slapped me on the arse as he drove past me on Skinner Street, Whitby - and hit me so hard that I swear I actually thought he'd sideswiped me with the fucking wingmirror until I realised I could see him shaking his hand out as he drove away? Why yes, I DO keep my keys AND a not insignificant quantity of pound coins in my back pocket on that side. I HOPE YOU BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGERS. And I hope the next time you're looking at a woman's arse and not the road, you wrap yourself round a fucking lamppost and bleed to death in agony with your knees somewhere up round your ears and the steering column rammed through your splintered ribs. Not enough hate in the WORLD for someone who would do something so utterly, pointlessly, pathetically misogynist and abusive as that. Fucking scum. I just wish I hadn't been too stunned to get his license plate, because if I had he would've been one sorry motherfucker.
But because every cloud has a silver (and black) lining, I would like to also inform the world that
scars_of_jude, who was with me at the time, was a complete sweetheart about this, was massively sympathetic and outraged on my behalf, bought me a drink as soon as we got to the pub... and then proceeded to utterly make my night and go right off the top of the awesomeometer by attempting, AND SUCCEEDING AT, a rendition of Freezing Moon, solo on a semi-acoustic guitar, at the Little Angel's open mic night. I believe there may be video footage. If there is, trust me, you guys will be linked to it as soon as it appears online, because that was fucking legendary. Thanks Mike. ♥