Title: An Unforgivable Crime
Rating/warnings: PG-13, dark/creepy/unsettling, character deaths
Genre: angst, tragedy, horror
Character/s: Jack POV with mention of others
Spoilers: Up to and including Through The Looking Glass with some speculation for season four
Summary: When Mikhail and Ben turn up dead after they confess to the killing of a well known 815 Survivor, Jack goes through a mental checklist of prime suspects in order to deduce who their killer was. Written for my
50_darkfics claim. Prompt “unforgiving”
Original Post Date: 15/08/2007
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4106482/1/Disclaimer: lyrics in the link are from "9 Crimes" by Damien Rice and the rest of it? It doesn't belong to me either
It's a small crime and I've got no excuse... )