Title: Darkness Be My Friend
Rating/warnings: PG-13
Genre: angst, darkfic
Character/s: Claire, Jack, mention of Charlie
Spoilers: up to the end of S3
Summary: Claire knew what drowning felt like. Written for
50_darkfics for the prompt of “darkness”
Original Post Date: 09/08/2007
fanfiction.net Post:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4106478/1/Disclaimer: The title of this fic is stolen from one of the books in the “Tomorrow When The War Began” series by the incomparable John Marsden and the characters etc. within the fic are stolen from JJ, Damon and the rest of the Lost crew.
The pressure was unbelievable, her eyes were screwed up in pain, but then finally the edge of her vision began to darken and if she’d had any air left in her lungs, Claire would have breathed a sigh of relief... )